Happy new year...
better late than never...
Things are going ok with the band which good, got a really busy few months coming up with some ace gigs so i'm really excited. Started singing too and i've never been so scared hearing my own voice before but so far so good, im still intact which is a pretty good thing.
Recording a video up in Nottingham very soon. The place we're playing has some huge caves underneath which look pretty cool although im told they're haunted... me and haunted places haven't been a great comination so far. Got some very nice girlies to play vampires in the caves so all is good though
anyone else who wants to be a vampire for the night is more that welcome
Boba and jango are getting too big too quickly
buit they're still ace. Even if Jango did attack my knee for no reason. I wish they'd use the scrating post instead of 1. my knee 2. my bass amp and 3. the kitchen wall. Bad kitty!
stay beautiful

Things are going ok with the band which good, got a really busy few months coming up with some ace gigs so i'm really excited. Started singing too and i've never been so scared hearing my own voice before but so far so good, im still intact which is a pretty good thing.
Recording a video up in Nottingham very soon. The place we're playing has some huge caves underneath which look pretty cool although im told they're haunted... me and haunted places haven't been a great comination so far. Got some very nice girlies to play vampires in the caves so all is good though

Boba and jango are getting too big too quickly

stay beautiful
we have voluntary early retirement, and surplus. it's stupid.