Happy new year! i guess...
seemed to have missed the whole midnight thing again. Oops!
my dear friend Dave with his fiendish love of cocktails decided to have a new years eve cocktail party.
apparantly just before midnight his beloved Tramp Velvets (special brew & champagne) were handed in in celebration but all i remember was climing into the bath - fully clothed and switching the shower on becasue i was cold...
just hope this year will be better than last year.
Fuck yeah! just got tix to see the manics play the millenium stadium for the One World concert.
seemed to have missed the whole midnight thing again. Oops!
my dear friend Dave with his fiendish love of cocktails decided to have a new years eve cocktail party.
apparantly just before midnight his beloved Tramp Velvets (special brew & champagne) were handed in in celebration but all i remember was climing into the bath - fully clothed and switching the shower on becasue i was cold...
just hope this year will be better than last year.
Fuck yeah! just got tix to see the manics play the millenium stadium for the One World concert.

hows your week?