Tell us about your Zodiac sign! What is it, and do you feel like your Horoscope fits your life and your personality? Do you even believe in it? Tell us why!
Hello, my sweet SG World!
My zodiac sign is Scorpio.
Representatives of this sign differ in temperament and charisma, as well as the easy ability to captivate others with their idea. Scorpions often call people up during the day, they experience a kaleidoscope of emotions, instantly changing from apathy to unbridled joy or aggression, and then again become docile and calm.
For me it's true. I have a very changeable nature. I quickly angry, but quickly calm down. All my friends and relatives have got used to it, but sometimes it seems like a hassle. I try to be more calm and balanced with strangers, not to scare them. Hahah. But not always. π
I don't believe in zodiac signs. I think we do have power over your character and temperament.
What do you think?
P.S. Thanks @rambo and @missy . And thank you, guys π