Hello, SG Land <3
Well, I live in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Signs of global warming are very small. In St. Petersburg, even many jokes about the fact that we have always the same weather. Although I don't agree with it. We have a lot of change, but not warming. This summer was very cold and rainy. I think here will be global cooling hah
Don't know what will come of all this global warming, but I want the governments of all countries pay attention to this problem. It is much more important than any war. And if we talk about it, then sooner or later they will not be able to dismiss this.
P.S. This photo was taken by myself
Оу.. Странно. Где-то жарко, а где-то холодно @bronepoe
Still no frost where I am, 2 to 2.5 months late. Most of the leaves still are green. Those that have turned are muddy rather than bright. Nice pic.