There really is nothing quite like being incredibly restless circa one in the morning, having a friend drop by 'cause he wants to hang out, and the both of you simultaneously being in the mood to go act like complete yutzes at the nearest 24-hour Wal-Mart. With that, I bring you an orgy of horsies. We didn't even have to be complete juveniles to stumble across the implications of this one:
Seriously, you'd think they would consider how even the purest of souls would see something less than innocent in a sight like that. Moving on, aside from a late night announcement of Xbox 360s, there wasn't much else excitement to be had save for a brief lightsaber duel and, of course:
"Good n' plenty, good n' plenty, don't you know? There I go, there I go, there I go."

Seriously, you'd think they would consider how even the purest of souls would see something less than innocent in a sight like that. Moving on, aside from a late night announcement of Xbox 360s, there wasn't much else excitement to be had save for a brief lightsaber duel and, of course:

"Good n' plenty, good n' plenty, don't you know? There I go, there I go, there I go."
It's because of sights like that... and some of the stupid shit me and my friends do at odd hours of the night that I'm so glad that Target isn't open 24 hours...
Granted, I wouldn't be working over night...
But LoL...
and re: woman being shit in the sack
I'll tell you when you're older.
best copout I can think of at the moment.