[Originally posted on MySpace (I get bored, shut up.)]
In honor of the film's release to DVD on the 20th (this Tuesday), my profile will temporarily carry a Serenity theme. I highly recommend that anyone who has not yet seen this film immediately goes out and does so. If there is anybody out there ambitious enough, I also recommend that you find a way to view the entire Firefly series before even laying eyes on Serenity. Fortunately, one can be appreciated without the other, but as is often true, they complement eachother beautifully. Either way, I'm currently a diehard Browncoat, and am fully content to savor this particular obsession for as long as it continues to ensorcel me. In other words, all is shiny. Dong ma?
In honor of the film's release to DVD on the 20th (this Tuesday), my profile will temporarily carry a Serenity theme. I highly recommend that anyone who has not yet seen this film immediately goes out and does so. If there is anybody out there ambitious enough, I also recommend that you find a way to view the entire Firefly series before even laying eyes on Serenity. Fortunately, one can be appreciated without the other, but as is often true, they complement eachother beautifully. Either way, I'm currently a diehard Browncoat, and am fully content to savor this particular obsession for as long as it continues to ensorcel me. In other words, all is shiny. Dong ma?
uh, nerd much?