her lips
my hips
carnal dancing
your breath in my ears
some whisperd words
exotic words
i dont understand
but turns my ears
to my head
something sensual
language I don't understand
or care
lightly biting lips
hands around my waist
pulled tight against her
she smells like
something mysterious
yet familiar
tantinlizing scent
and I want more
then i wake
wanting more.
my hips
carnal dancing
your breath in my ears
some whisperd words
exotic words
i dont understand
but turns my ears
to my head
something sensual
language I don't understand
or care
lightly biting lips
hands around my waist
pulled tight against her
she smells like
something mysterious
yet familiar
tantinlizing scent
and I want more
then i wake
wanting more.

that is hotttttt
Hey, I wish you all the best for 2009!