me and my classy shirt

Sir Henry Marshmellow the VII

i live here now

this is where i smoke my cancer sticks

knock knock

i live with the mexican vanna white
hee hee. no, we live here. fancy

this is rommy not ready for a picture

this is rommy ready for a picture

this is edmond and me. i was not ready. there was a delay in the flash.

i was ready for this picture. edmond is a generally good guy (in a loose definition of the term) he is one loud mother fucker though, all the damn time. name anything, any topic, he's got a long, rambling story he's gotta tell you, drunk, sober, either or. and the few times he doesn't have something to say he's got a damn song to sing. and even when he sleeps, mofo snores like a BEAR and his phone is always ringing off the hook and even his cell is loud and annoying.

aww. we cute.

it points the wrong way in our house though

i heart foam soap

connect 4 on the fridge. it cost 99 cents. yeehaw.

view from the balcony

damn flash delay

i was ready

this iis josh. he likes to flip off cameras

apparently this is one of only 3 or 4 pictures where josh isn't flipping off the camera.

balcony view

elliot is a ginger. i guess the vanna white / price is right pose is back in style

my dog, the semi wonder pup.
that's it for now. more to post but must play gin rummy.....
gin rummy................ must play.......
and the tornado didn't get me.
but isn't this reminiscent of the wizard of oz?

another day i shall post the rest of the pics.
thanks for reading.
you stay classy san diego
love the pics....your balcony view is gorgeous!!!!!
It always fun to look at your pictures!