OMG yea.. it was bigger better wilder than i can even descibe at this time.
but, the kitten is ok, we got her out a full 24 hours after the party, we had to call the humaine socity to get a little squirell trap with a can of "9 Lives" as bait, but it worked, such a little baby had made such a loud meow from beneath the street that i couldn't turn away, so i grabed a flash light out of my car and me and a couple friends pulled the street graid up( or is it called a street grait ? ) and after not being able to see the kitten through the pipe, then we pulled a manhole cover to better see where the kitten was, i saw him there inbetween the street graid we had just pulled and me, under the street... but i could see the kitten wasn't trapped in anyway, so we had to close it up, before we attacted any police, all next day i was hoping the kitten would figure his way out, but he didn't and in the late afternoon my ex-girlfriend and i heard him crying still below so we called animal services, a nice lady from the H. S. came and called to the kitten, he wouldn't come out so she went back to her house to get a trap, she asked me if i could watch the trap over night in case it started to rain so the little guy woundn't dround, my ex- stayed at the open graid for a hour waiting for the H S lady to come back, i was up cleaning house all night seroiursly, we made our final mop down and move out at 5:am, before i left i checked the little kittie trap,nothing, as we drove away it started to rain, just a drizzle but it scared me enough, i couldn't let the kitten dround so i went back and slept in my car hoping it wouldn't really rain, it never did more than drizzle, i stood over the trap shining my flashlight at the rim of the cat food can, wave-ing it around to best dance the light off the rim and get the kitten to come out, it rained lightly, and i had to go to sleep so i crashed in my car praying the kitten would get in the trap and it not rain so much to dround him, next thing i know my ex- is calling me on my cell, asking is the kitten in the box? .. i said "let me get out of the car....." there was a guy out walking his dog at that exact moment i got out of my car he stopped at th street graid and looked down, hearing the kitten's cries, i asked him,"hey is he in there? there a kitten in a box in there?" and he said yes.. i told her she rushed over in three minutes, and helped me lift the graid one last time..
it was hard letting go of him after all of that, but good news is good friend Cal is adopting our little gutter kittie now
nothing could make me happier..
other news, i'm well, i've got a place lined-up for me in LR, and i get to live next to one of my bestfriends
its near bliss
but, the kitten is ok, we got her out a full 24 hours after the party, we had to call the humaine socity to get a little squirell trap with a can of "9 Lives" as bait, but it worked, such a little baby had made such a loud meow from beneath the street that i couldn't turn away, so i grabed a flash light out of my car and me and a couple friends pulled the street graid up( or is it called a street grait ? ) and after not being able to see the kitten through the pipe, then we pulled a manhole cover to better see where the kitten was, i saw him there inbetween the street graid we had just pulled and me, under the street... but i could see the kitten wasn't trapped in anyway, so we had to close it up, before we attacted any police, all next day i was hoping the kitten would figure his way out, but he didn't and in the late afternoon my ex-girlfriend and i heard him crying still below so we called animal services, a nice lady from the H. S. came and called to the kitten, he wouldn't come out so she went back to her house to get a trap, she asked me if i could watch the trap over night in case it started to rain so the little guy woundn't dround, my ex- stayed at the open graid for a hour waiting for the H S lady to come back, i was up cleaning house all night seroiursly, we made our final mop down and move out at 5:am, before i left i checked the little kittie trap,nothing, as we drove away it started to rain, just a drizzle but it scared me enough, i couldn't let the kitten dround so i went back and slept in my car hoping it wouldn't really rain, it never did more than drizzle, i stood over the trap shining my flashlight at the rim of the cat food can, wave-ing it around to best dance the light off the rim and get the kitten to come out, it rained lightly, and i had to go to sleep so i crashed in my car praying the kitten would get in the trap and it not rain so much to dround him, next thing i know my ex- is calling me on my cell, asking is the kitten in the box? .. i said "let me get out of the car....." there was a guy out walking his dog at that exact moment i got out of my car he stopped at th street graid and looked down, hearing the kitten's cries, i asked him,"hey is he in there? there a kitten in a box in there?" and he said yes.. i told her she rushed over in three minutes, and helped me lift the graid one last time..
it was hard letting go of him after all of that, but good news is good friend Cal is adopting our little gutter kittie now

other news, i'm well, i've got a place lined-up for me in LR, and i get to live next to one of my bestfriends

its near bliss
thanks for the advice with the teeth! so yeah, it turns out the pain wasn't normal at all. i had 2 dry sockets. no WONDER.
i didn't work at cat's this weekend cuz i was in so much pain... and i won't work again until the weekend. but i'd like it if we could hang out before you go. what day are you leaving?