why.... why can't i just die...
i should join the army or somethiung.
i wsh i were dead....
i just a damn beer drunk.. and no one will lay me, fuck all.. ill find someone someday who'll understand and value me, in the way i want... why all the BS , why play games.. i try to be honest forward and truthful, but no one want to hear it... women don't like nice guys, therefore i sleep alone tonight...
sorry for what i just said
i should join the army or somethiung.
i wsh i were dead....
i just a damn beer drunk.. and no one will lay me, fuck all.. ill find someone someday who'll understand and value me, in the way i want... why all the BS , why play games.. i try to be honest forward and truthful, but no one want to hear it... women don't like nice guys, therefore i sleep alone tonight...
sorry for what i just said


and i will list that as my occupation for the duration of my unemployment. good luck getting laid.