The bigger unfairness in the life is that it finishes. Afterwards from years of labour and work instead of beein awarded... you pass away! I believe that the cycle of life is the other way around. First u should have passed away (it leaves this mean from the middle). Afterwards you live in nursing home. As soon as you become enough young person the kick u out from the nursing home and u go to the office where you "acquire" immediately Jaguar and golden Cartier and things like that.. You work for forty years until u become enough young person in order to get..your retirement. Then..its party time.. sex and alcohol!Then u are ready to attempt high school! All in the public school, you become child, you play, you do not have more responsibilities. Then u become a baby, all are takin care of u! how nice?.., you return in the uterus where you pass your last nine months floating pleasantly... and suddenly finish your existence with a orgasm....
tell me ur thoughts
tell me ur thoughts

now, how can i try that.....