so i go to pick my car up on friday, pay my monies and get the keys and yay my car is teh fixed and i can go home and get royally plastered.... problem is the handbrake that was meant to be fixed is sitting on my front seat! YOU HAD THE CAR FOR 2 DAYS AND YOU DIDNT EVEN FIX THE FUCKING HANDBRAKE!!!! so...
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you didnt go to Holden by any chance

yeah coz i assumed who else would know a 63 EJ better than a holden dealership..... how wrong was i.... im taking it to autobahn from now on
cha'mone muthafuckas, i'm a first aid officer now... now i have injurylust...yes you heard me.... i have teh knowledge and want to turn people into the recovery position and bandage fractures and muthafucka CPR yo ass..... i also get an extra 14 bucks in my pay... CASHBACK!!!!
but i broke the handbrake cable on my car last night and my left side brakes and teh...
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but i broke the handbrake cable on my car last night and my left side brakes and teh...
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Now you can't use the jape stick for fun turns.
Funny, the image of a first-aid officer reminded me of Palahnuik's Haunted.
I did my course on a weekend, was early, so I was the geek to hand out the stuff as the others walked in .... 1 hottie ..... 2 hottie ..... 3 hottie .... and so on to about 10 hotties. hmmmm .... what is going on here? Virgin Blue airhostesses.
Yes, all hot - yes, as dumb as dog shit (so don't get sick on a Virgin Blue plane)
Now you can't use the jape stick for fun turns.
Funny, the image of a first-aid officer reminded me of Palahnuik's Haunted.
I did my course on a weekend, was early, so I was the geek to hand out the stuff as the others walked in .... 1 hottie ..... 2 hottie ..... 3 hottie .... and so on to about 10 hotties. hmmmm .... what is going on here? Virgin Blue airhostesses.
Yes, all hot - yes, as dumb as dog shit (so don't get sick on a Virgin Blue plane)
qantas aint much better... don't ask them for steri strips as they'll look for stereo strips...
urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im so tired... i hate getting up at 4am.... on saturday i went to a going away party that was aaron spelling themed... since i couldnt be bothered i went as "a flaming lips roadie", which worked better than "passenger on the love boat" ..... i drank lots, ate a whole pizza and had lots of random conversations about crap.... ie criss angel dating...
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I hope you marched him back.
its gonna rain soon... how do i know??
the knee and ankle i hurt playing footy are aching.
the fingers i dislocated/broke playing baseball/softball are tingling.
im 23 and already have the old man weather station set up.
i get to go do my first aid cert next week. 2 days off work to make out with a rubber doll! word!
the new area manager...
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the knee and ankle i hurt playing footy are aching.
the fingers i dislocated/broke playing baseball/softball are tingling.
im 23 and already have the old man weather station set up.
i get to go do my first aid cert next week. 2 days off work to make out with a rubber doll! word!
the new area manager...
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ergh.... apparently the staff i organised to work today are not working so chances are i'm gonna end up going to work on my day off and since i havent finished doing the washing today i have no uniform to wear. plus its my day off.... I WANT TO RELAX FUCKEN, since my weekend was spent looking at houses/units/townhouses to buy...... but i did see...
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Hello Senor!
Long time no see! Hows your life and stuff? Saw Simon last night went down and hung out at Oatley pub of all places. Good to hear from you!

word..... my phone connection dies on sunday and i have had no home phone or interweb since.... the guy rocked up today at 6.30am to fix it and right when i was leaving for work he needed to check the inside connection... so i was late to work... but i'm my own boss so i make my own rules, comprende?
on saturday i had...
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on saturday i had...
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you're lucky those big chunks of bog under the paint saved the panels. At least you can put metal there now its needing repair
thats crazy!

having a sore neck blows... ive whacked my head on my car 4 times today and been hit in the head by sarah's painting 2 hurts it sucks i hate it i hate it all....i'm not okay.... i promise...
Poor kid! You`ll be okay. I promise.
Yeh wasnt much of a fan of taking back sunday,they suprised me.
I mainly went there for underoath and saosin....and they were both really good.
Apart from that,Thursday was alrite and senses fail was good.
Thanku for addin me,cheers.

Yeh wasnt much of a fan of taking back sunday,they suprised me.
I mainly went there for underoath and saosin....and they were both really good.
Apart from that,Thursday was alrite and senses fail was good.
Thanku for addin me,cheers.
Greetings and welcome. Have you checked out SG Australia? I see you have a few friends from there already.
My head would hurt if it hit on your car also. Enjoy the shenanigans.
My head would hurt if it hit on your car also. Enjoy the shenanigans.

so i sent my folks back home to sydney after showing them the wonderful city of perth and other places..... now i have a sore neck... and my ear is getting better... but i still wake up with gunk dried on my ear... so for 2 weeks my ear was insanely painful and now my neck hurts like a fucker... but its ok i gots...
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once purchasing the album i can understand why sonic youth released the whitey album under ciccone youth... the average sonic youth fan would not get it... this album is what my bloody valentine probably listened to before making loveless... this album is better than you and your unborn children... it is not better than big black - songs about fucking though...
i purchased a beer...
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i purchased a beer...
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meet you there bud
asahi is definately the beer of choice

yeah tried it... its pretty good... i just raid whatever looks good at the international beer house... like beer with pictures of satan on them!