welcome to the internet..... last week was the suckiest week at work evars!~!!!~!~~~~1w`1! first of all we had a new roll out of the love fresh POS so we had all this work to do and it was a lot for a full strength team plus the monday public holiday so i had 3 days to get this shit done. i had stocktake on saturday but couldnt do it as i was going to soundwave and my 2IC would'nt fucking do it so i had to start at midnight and finish at 10am on tuesday. so on tuesday nothing got done. then my part timer broke 2 vertebrae being muthafucking evel knievel. so bam 1 down but still running. then wednesday morning at 7am my 2IC rings up and says he's sick and won't be in til next week. he was meant to start at 6 for starters and i had to set up the shop myself plus run myself til noon whilst trying to fucking get all this love fresh shit done... i did the work of 4 people in a 11 hour shift. so thursday rolls round and i pull out all the stops and become henry rollins for a day and work 5am to 5pm and haul in muthafuckers from flinders and noranda. friday the shop has to be mint by 6.30am. i start at 3am and the place looks fucking ace and all the other managers are jealous of it. so the place it that shmick that i dont touch it for the rest of the day and knock off at 1. so on saturday i work 5am to 4pm to cover the losses. i come home with alocmohol and go have a nap at 6 so i can wake up and drink said alcomohol. i wake up at 2am watch rage for 2 hours and go back to bed. i wake up at 10 the next morning. but i felt fucking awesome. and i lost 3 kilos! go team!
Utter madness!!
SGAU National hookup..... please read it!