I cancelled my account. There isn't much more to say other than I don't ever use any part of this site except chat...and mostly everyone there hates me now anyway because I am an asshole. It's great how people can take words on a computer screen so seriously sometimes.
I think this is my last blog because the thing said my account was cancelled as of today...so I might as well update you on my life.
I probably mentioned this a long while ago, but maybe I didn't because people still ask me, "How's the band going?" Well A Place To Call Home is no more...at least not with me, the drummer, and bassist. We started our own project a little over a month ago and have two songs so far, but they still need work and polishing. They are just instrumentals with crappy leads and such so far, but we are hoping to find a keyboardist in the future and possibly a violinist...or anything for that matter ;D
The more I jam with them though, the more I realize how much practice I really need in improvising. Listening back to the rehearsals makes me ask why I even bother playing the guitar. I've never been good with improvising anything in life though so maybe that explains it. In any case, we still have no idea for a band name or anything like that, we just want to have at least 8 songs before anything is done. I'm sure you all have my myspace that I haven't updated in months because I suck like that, but in case you don't: www.myspace.com/seniam0x0 and for the lulz take this one too www.myspace.com/seniam_locreases
I still work at Starbucks, but in the months to come I am hoping that changes. Starting August 18th I will be giving guitar lessons at a local studio here called ColorBlind Studios (www.colorblindstudios.com). I've been helping the owner out a lot with the website and with shows and getting contracts all written out and such. Basically he is tired of getting screwed because he was the nice guy, so he's ready to lay down the law. I'll be getting 10 students off the bat from the previous teacher, and the rest are up to me to get from promoting the hell out of the studio...and it seems as though things are moving a bit in the right direction for it.
I pretty much feel alone in the world even though I know I'm not. Sometimes I feel like a massive loser as well because I am 21 still living at home sleeping in a bunk bed and all I do is use the internet and play guitar. Yes things seem to be looking up for me and all, but I still feel that void inside of me. Life isn't complete yet and it seems as though it will never be. It's frustrating.
That was the emo part of my blog entry.
What more is there to say now? I'm glad I met some nice people on here...ALL of them are extremely talented at what they do...yeah that was probably meant for the few friends on here I actually talk to ;D
To those who actually think I am an asshole...well yeah basically I am an asshole so I'll see you in hell probably along with Jesus...o wait I forgot I am Jesus.
And now I say goodbye with a quote from one of my favorite movies followed by an amazing guitarist by the name of Guthrie Govan.
"Forgive me, Majesty. I'm a vulgar man...but I assure you, my music is not."
I think this is my last blog because the thing said my account was cancelled as of today...so I might as well update you on my life.
I probably mentioned this a long while ago, but maybe I didn't because people still ask me, "How's the band going?" Well A Place To Call Home is no more...at least not with me, the drummer, and bassist. We started our own project a little over a month ago and have two songs so far, but they still need work and polishing. They are just instrumentals with crappy leads and such so far, but we are hoping to find a keyboardist in the future and possibly a violinist...or anything for that matter ;D
The more I jam with them though, the more I realize how much practice I really need in improvising. Listening back to the rehearsals makes me ask why I even bother playing the guitar. I've never been good with improvising anything in life though so maybe that explains it. In any case, we still have no idea for a band name or anything like that, we just want to have at least 8 songs before anything is done. I'm sure you all have my myspace that I haven't updated in months because I suck like that, but in case you don't: www.myspace.com/seniam0x0 and for the lulz take this one too www.myspace.com/seniam_locreases
I still work at Starbucks, but in the months to come I am hoping that changes. Starting August 18th I will be giving guitar lessons at a local studio here called ColorBlind Studios (www.colorblindstudios.com). I've been helping the owner out a lot with the website and with shows and getting contracts all written out and such. Basically he is tired of getting screwed because he was the nice guy, so he's ready to lay down the law. I'll be getting 10 students off the bat from the previous teacher, and the rest are up to me to get from promoting the hell out of the studio...and it seems as though things are moving a bit in the right direction for it.
I pretty much feel alone in the world even though I know I'm not. Sometimes I feel like a massive loser as well because I am 21 still living at home sleeping in a bunk bed and all I do is use the internet and play guitar. Yes things seem to be looking up for me and all, but I still feel that void inside of me. Life isn't complete yet and it seems as though it will never be. It's frustrating.
That was the emo part of my blog entry.
What more is there to say now? I'm glad I met some nice people on here...ALL of them are extremely talented at what they do...yeah that was probably meant for the few friends on here I actually talk to ;D
To those who actually think I am an asshole...well yeah basically I am an asshole so I'll see you in hell probably along with Jesus...o wait I forgot I am Jesus.
And now I say goodbye with a quote from one of my favorite movies followed by an amazing guitarist by the name of Guthrie Govan.
"Forgive me, Majesty. I'm a vulgar man...but I assure you, my music is not."
Keep in touch