I found out taday that Joe and I were accepted at an apartment complex in Beaverton today so I was supper excited.
Then I got to thinking about how much it'll cost us to move and I started stessing out, so I call Joe when he gets off work and he's stessing out now too. I thought we had more money saved up from wedding gifts than what we really do. Since I haven't been getting the hours I need at work, we've had to dip into that money for rent over the past few months.
But I'm a little more relaxed now, we have barely enough money to afford the last month here and the deposit and first month rent, and various bills.
So I had a pregnant lady break down today from stress, and got Joe all worried because when I'm stressed it's not good for the baby.
Anyways. I am still excited about moving to Beaverton. Though I don't think I'll be able to find a job before that'll accept that I can only work for 4 months before I go on Maturity leave.
So I'm basically just writing to rant.
Lots of Love to You all.
Then I got to thinking about how much it'll cost us to move and I started stessing out, so I call Joe when he gets off work and he's stessing out now too. I thought we had more money saved up from wedding gifts than what we really do. Since I haven't been getting the hours I need at work, we've had to dip into that money for rent over the past few months.
But I'm a little more relaxed now, we have barely enough money to afford the last month here and the deposit and first month rent, and various bills.
So I had a pregnant lady break down today from stress, and got Joe all worried because when I'm stressed it's not good for the baby.
Anyways. I am still excited about moving to Beaverton. Though I don't think I'll be able to find a job before that'll accept that I can only work for 4 months before I go on Maturity leave.
So I'm basically just writing to rant.
Lots of Love to You all.
wow, i just moved FROM beaverton...had i known you'd be moving there, i woulda STAYED!!! ;o)
I know all about stressing with bills and babies on the way. I work at a mine that flooded about 3 months before my GF was supposed to go on Maternity leave so it ended up screwing us out of almost $10k. I kept my job at least but will have a hard time affording to take time off. Doesn't money suck?