Sometimes... sometimes you found music, that is embarrassing to share with friends. Just because you too old for this :-D
But you like it so much, because it really mirrored your feelings sometimes.
Total emotional pressure, with no reasons, when the only thing you feel is pressure from inside your head, while you can’t even understand WHAT you feel, bud parallel to this, there is a realization that all this will not end in good.
Really, this stuff acts like a drug on me.
(In picture - Asuka from "Neon genesis evangelion", it's fanart, but I could not find the author.)
Картина с Аской великолепная! Очень точно передаёт её эмоции и общую атмосферу произведения🥰❤
@nerwen Да уж... На самом деле, я ее видел как-то мельком и реально часа три искал чисто для того, чтобы сюда запостить - из семи тысяч картинок с Аской в профильной группе. Нашел вот...