(If you are not familiar with these works, but want to form your opinion about them - please do not read any further.)
I have a terrible english, yea. Its fact now, and it was a fact fifteen years ago, when i start read manga series "Battle Angel Alita" with only paper dictionary Yes, i read all nine books the original series and three or four books of "GUNNMU:Last order". For me, its the best comix series i ve ever seen in my life.
Youkito Kishiro (autor/mangaka) of this series was not super original - he just took and used everything he saw: style from metall bands posters, american comic series (references to the “Sin City” are in Alita’s spin-off, called "Ashen victor").His story can be very naive - but for me this is a great saga about the clash of ambitions and desires. Because there are quite a few absolutely positive characters in this comic series - everyone has their drawbacks.
Alita (in original series she have another name, Gally) - very egoistic person, she is interested only in self-knowledge through battle - and often forgets about people close to her.
Ido - wants to see her as an obedient homely girl in elegant dresses that delight his eyes - and therefore in every way denies her desire to leave his care.
Yugo - street ripper; he earns by stealing cybernetic implants from people.
And now i see the movie of Robert Rodrigez and... it was great!
Seriosly, it the best west adaptation of the anime/manga series in the world! Yes, many has become different, Alita in the film is much softer than in the manga, but this is her best screen presentation of all that could have happened.
The film is based more on a two-part anime series than on the manga itself, only a motorball is added (In the anime it was not). In the anime and manga daiske, Ido was not married and he never had a daughter.
There are many more differences that do not cancel the main thing - the authors managed to embody the right atmosphere. Yes, this is not a bit like a gloomy comic book, inspired by Frank Miller, but certainly did not lose the basis of what makes Alita the person who is interesting to follow: a small, often naive, girl with monstrous power and way of knowing the world through battle, in which she neglects herself and loved ones.
And, i want to present to you one song: its ost from anime series "Battle Angel Alita".
And a small movie, frames from which influenced the ending of the film.