Finally got a day off & spent it trying to get my truck smogged. Got the tune-up done, the evaporator valve replaced, & the check engine light code cleared. Guess what happened next, the mechanic told he couldn't smog my truck due to a new law former Governor Davis signed into law on his way out the door. It seems that before they can even attempt to smog a vehicle they have to hook-up a code reader to it & check to see if any computer checks are flashing. If more than two are flashing they can't smog the vehicle. That gives me one day to get the final four flashing checks done, truck smogged & registered. Would have been nice to know about the new law before today.
Just back to say how much I appreciate you. Let me know if this ever gets annoying.

i heard a rumor you were at the show last night? thanks for coming out! but unfortunately, i wouldn't recognize you if you came up and bit me on the time....after biting me, lets introduce ourselves