Finally found a drummer for the metal band I started. He's young but he's good. I don't know how long I can keep this two band thing up with all the crap I've got to do on a daily basis, but I'm gonna do my best. I'm suppossd to go to Kentucky in a couple of weeks for a friends babies Christening. The drive will be murder, anyone up for a road trip?
I'm about halfway through my kitchen renovation which means I'm about halfway through my house renovation. Things were built to last in the 1700's but not built square. Everything about this house is a challenge. My cat has a hyper-thyroid condition and takes meds twice a day, that's a challenge too. I'm trying to trade one of my Harleys for a pick-up truck so if anyone knows anyone... I think this is the longest blog I've ever written
. I can't wait for the tourists to depart, the Cape's a bitch in the summer. Fall and football are on their way so that's good
. I was teaching Matt(guitarist/singer of my afore-mentioned metal band) how to ride a motorcycle the other day and he dropped it. It was O.K. but he's on his own from here on out. We need a name for this band, any suggestions?? I guess I'll go do something else now.

One of my cats eats strawberry pop tarts. she can devour a half a pop tart in a few minutes, which is pretty impressive since it can't be easy for a cat to eat a pop tart without hands.
I'm always up for a road trip...but to Kentucky? not so much...
im not sure how much the surgery actually costs as i got a huge discount for working
at the vets office.
but i can tell you its not cheap