So mother-fucking stagnant
Stench of sterility
What have I done to myself?
It’s all become shadows
Half shadows
Shadows of half shadows
Glimpses of shadows of half shadows
Memories of glimpses of shadows of half shadows
Barely the breath to breathe
What happened?
It’s all dark now
But the curtain never went down
The crowd left
The candles gutted
I sit alone
Giggling at shadows
Thinking they’re real
Knowing they’re not
It’s no longer vaguely interesting.
So mother-fucking stagnant
Stench of sterility
What have I done to myself?
It’s all become shadows
Half shadows
Shadows of half shadows
Glimpses of shadows of half shadows
Memories of glimpses of shadows of half shadows
Barely the breath to breathe
What happened?
It’s all dark now
But the curtain never went down
The crowd left
The candles gutted
I sit alone
Giggling at shadows
Thinking they’re real
Knowing they’re not
It’s no longer vaguely interesting.

I actuallly took a night off from the internet last night
hope you are doing well!