Wow! I just learned how to cut and paste, how computer illiterate am I? One more from the novel and then I'm going to post something from the children's book I'm working on.
Honour was bleeding again and absently wondered why it wouldn’t stop. It couldn’t have been her period, she hadn’t had one in over a year thanks to the heroin and lack of nutrition. So she lay on the floor with her shoulders and head propped up against the wall watching the crotch of her panties turn a dark red.
Dorian saw it as a good thing, after all, she wasn’t pregnant. On some twisted level the sight of her lying there without her pants on excited him. Maybe it was the smell of her blood, he was so driven by her scents and how she tasted. He used to regularly go down on her when she was menstruating with an enthusiasm she had never known before. It made him feel close to her very essence as a woman. He considered ignoring the blood once again and fucking her but she had made perfectly clear the last time they were intimate that sex hurt. Earlier in the week she had forced herself to tell him to seek it elsewhere seeing as she had been pushing him away for almost a month and saw no signs that things would change anytime soon. It had torn her apart inside because she was terrified of him finding someone else and loosing him but she was even more afraid that his insatiable sex-drive would eventually lead him astray anyway. She didn’t give him enough credit in the being faithful department and that did more damage in the long run than the lack of sex ever could. His strong sense of loyalty made it impossible to even consider such a thing even with her blessing.
“So go to the fucking doctor you stupid bitch,” Dorian finally snapped at her, mostly out of fear. “Don’t just lie there and bleed to death for Christ sake.”
“Fuck doctors and fuck you!” She snarled in a rage. “They killed my mama and they’ll kill me too, if I let them. Just leave me the fuck alone, I know what I’m doing.” It was true, a doctor back in Kentucky had botched her mother’s hysterectomy and she had bled to death in the hospital. Honour was there, pleading with the nurse to call for the doctor.
“It will stop soon, the doctor said so and I think he knows better than you or I.” Well he didn’t. Her mother faded from nothing to nothing while Honour held her hand and watched.
“Fine,” Dorian gave up trying to help her. “Do whatever the fuck you want but don’t expect me to cry at your funeral,” and he didn’t.
Honour was dead within a week, but not from the bleeding, her God, heroin, had finally had it’s way. It took her like it took so many before her and left Dorian once again looking into a grave. It was true, he didn’t cry at her funeral, but after everyone left and the sun went down a different scene unfolded.
Honour was bleeding again and absently wondered why it wouldn’t stop. It couldn’t have been her period, she hadn’t had one in over a year thanks to the heroin and lack of nutrition. So she lay on the floor with her shoulders and head propped up against the wall watching the crotch of her panties turn a dark red.
Dorian saw it as a good thing, after all, she wasn’t pregnant. On some twisted level the sight of her lying there without her pants on excited him. Maybe it was the smell of her blood, he was so driven by her scents and how she tasted. He used to regularly go down on her when she was menstruating with an enthusiasm she had never known before. It made him feel close to her very essence as a woman. He considered ignoring the blood once again and fucking her but she had made perfectly clear the last time they were intimate that sex hurt. Earlier in the week she had forced herself to tell him to seek it elsewhere seeing as she had been pushing him away for almost a month and saw no signs that things would change anytime soon. It had torn her apart inside because she was terrified of him finding someone else and loosing him but she was even more afraid that his insatiable sex-drive would eventually lead him astray anyway. She didn’t give him enough credit in the being faithful department and that did more damage in the long run than the lack of sex ever could. His strong sense of loyalty made it impossible to even consider such a thing even with her blessing.
“So go to the fucking doctor you stupid bitch,” Dorian finally snapped at her, mostly out of fear. “Don’t just lie there and bleed to death for Christ sake.”
“Fuck doctors and fuck you!” She snarled in a rage. “They killed my mama and they’ll kill me too, if I let them. Just leave me the fuck alone, I know what I’m doing.” It was true, a doctor back in Kentucky had botched her mother’s hysterectomy and she had bled to death in the hospital. Honour was there, pleading with the nurse to call for the doctor.
“It will stop soon, the doctor said so and I think he knows better than you or I.” Well he didn’t. Her mother faded from nothing to nothing while Honour held her hand and watched.
“Fine,” Dorian gave up trying to help her. “Do whatever the fuck you want but don’t expect me to cry at your funeral,” and he didn’t.
Honour was dead within a week, but not from the bleeding, her God, heroin, had finally had it’s way. It took her like it took so many before her and left Dorian once again looking into a grave. It was true, he didn’t cry at her funeral, but after everyone left and the sun went down a different scene unfolded.

and i trust your recommendation!
you too!