Seder last night was really fun and while I managed to have a bit of everything served I did not gorge myself as in years past. We were a really small group, which was quite nice and for once the singing was actually quite good to listen to. And then I came home and was in bed at 10:30. I'm old and sensible and I like it.
More Blogs
Wednesday Apr 05, 2006
I'm in a strange place at the moment. Work is going well. Out of work… -
Sunday Apr 02, 2006
Woot! Just got back from seeing the Hidden Cameras at the Music Galle… -
Sunday Apr 02, 2006
Today is going to be both super lazy and super productive. How wil… -
Saturday Apr 01, 2006
So far, my new piercing and I are getting along marvellously. -
Thursday Mar 30, 2006
Woot! New piercing. Yay! It feels just fine and looks really go… -
Wednesday Mar 29, 2006
Woot! Okay, my jewellery's in (the store that is, not me) so I can… -
Wednesday Mar 29, 2006
Had to rush home from work this afternoon. My dog had shat explosivel… -
Wednesday Mar 29, 2006
I've got the post-vacation-spring-is-springing-don't-wanna-go-to-work… -
Monday Mar 27, 2006
Just ate tons of steak with amazing aioli. I'm feeling fat and sleek … -
Sunday Mar 26, 2006
Went to get pierced yesterday but they didn't have the right length b…