Stayed in last night. Ate pizza. Watched movies. Knit. Total treat to crash out on my own. Maybe the accupuncture managed to unclick the "No Time to Relax!!!!" switch. I know I missed a good party, but there will be others and next time around I'll make sure I'm in better shape to go.
More Blogs
Thursday Mar 09, 2006
My sweetie and I saw Syriana last night. What a good film. Long, chew… -
Tuesday Mar 07, 2006
I over ate. I am full of apple-raspberry crisp. That is all. -
Monday Mar 06, 2006
Today has been a blue day and I don't know why. I feel like I'm flail… -
Sunday Mar 05, 2006
Please forgive the direct and enthusiastic reference to sexual activi… -
Thursday Mar 02, 2006
My piercings came out today. The left was obviously migrating forward… -
Wednesday Mar 01, 2006
I may have to institute a no SG before work policy. Late, again. -
Tuesday Feb 28, 2006
The Fluevogs will be mine. I just realized that I can get them cheape… -
Monday Feb 27, 2006
No more work, please. My brain is full. Thank you for your attenti… -
Sunday Feb 26, 2006
Stayed in last night. Ate pizza. Watched movies. Knit. Total treat to… -
Saturday Feb 25, 2006
Went for accupuncture. It was the most intense session I've ever had.…