I got the chance to hear my sweetie do some public speaking today. Totally kicked my ass. Hearing someone you love present their complex thoughts in an articulate, thoughtful fashion is deeply cool. My heart got bigger with every word.
More Blogs
Tuesday Feb 14, 2006
Cake's out of the oven. It smells delicious. When finished, this is… -
Tuesday Feb 14, 2006
Procrastinating like a maniac. I've got a piece of writing to get don… -
Tuesday Feb 14, 2006
I'm pathetically influenced by TV. Since I'm going to be in LA in Mar… -
Sunday Feb 12, 2006
The place next to mine is for sale and there's an open house today. … -
Sunday Feb 12, 2006
And now a report on how the piercings are doing: The right-side pi… -
Saturday Feb 11, 2006
Less cranky today but still a bit sad. Somewhere on Wednesday afterno… -
Friday Feb 10, 2006
Back. Exhausted. Frustrated. Sad. In need of a bath. -
Thursday Feb 09, 2006
Got a chance to see a friend of a friend tonight. She's subletting an… -
Thursday Feb 09, 2006
Staying in a reeeeealy red room in DC. Totally silly place. Lots of m… -
Monday Feb 06, 2006
Heading to DC later in the week for work, but I will have one night o…