I got the chance to hear my sweetie do some public speaking today. Totally kicked my ass. Hearing someone you love present their complex thoughts in an articulate, thoughtful fashion is deeply cool. My heart got bigger with every word.
More Blogs
Thursday Jun 29, 2006
I must now highly recommend Banu at 777 Queen St. W. Eat Persian food… -
Wednesday Jun 28, 2006
Devotchka was amazing last night. I had such a good evening. Holy fu… -
Monday Jun 26, 2006
I tried to buy some new bras today, but instead found myself being le… -
Tuesday Jun 13, 2006
Wow. Just logged on here for the first time since Friday. I'm feeling… -
Tuesday Jun 06, 2006
Strange bout of insomnia. Two nights in a row of waking up around 2 a… -
Monday Jun 05, 2006
I made a croque madame with back bacon for dinner. Non-traditional bu… -
Wednesday May 31, 2006
Oooh .. Conference flirting. Trite. But fun. -
Saturday May 27, 2006
Well, that fucking rocked. I just got home from seeing the Twilight S… -
Saturday May 27, 2006
Managed to get out of the city for the day. Fresh air. Warm sunshine.… -
Thursday May 25, 2006
Gotta go away for four days next week for work. Niagara Falls, here I…