Absolute crazy work day, but since it followed a totally splendid romp with my sweetie, I really didn't care. We gorged on oysters for dinner last night and then played 'til sleep took over. Too bad work gets in the way of more of that.
More Blogs
Monday Jul 31, 2006
Just home from Montreal. Random Fact: Montreal is good. Very g… -
Tuesday Jul 25, 2006
Home again. Burnt out. Looking forward to my own big bed. Calga… -
Sunday Jul 23, 2006
Vancouver's all shiny this evening. Just waiting for a friend and t… -
Sunday Jul 23, 2006
Overheard on the bus. Woman: Were you born here? Man: No. I was… -
Thursday Jul 20, 2006
Just came home from eating incredibly well. Beautiful steak on a d… -
Tuesday Jul 18, 2006
It's not that I'm anti-social, per se ... But I've got to say that… -
Saturday Jul 15, 2006
Just got back from Pilates. No one else in my group showed up, so I h… -
Saturday Jul 08, 2006
Two mornings in a row, someone in my neighbourhood has been using a c… -
Tuesday Jul 04, 2006
The first half of my vacation is over. It was rich with fun and unlik… -
Saturday Jul 01, 2006
Going to the beach today. Going to the beach.