an exgirlfriend called me today.. one of the ones that just got away somehow. she sounded good. i missed her. hopefully we can be friends again. i never understood why we broke up. something to do with a joke about escorts in vegas. never happened. and when i said it we were both laughing. but i guess she thought about it to much and lost her trust in me. but i guess it doesnt matter that was over a year ago. so our conversation was short but informative. she doesnt live far from here so hopefully we can hang out and see if the attraction is still there.. I want to do something sweet and cute for her, sorta wine and dine make her feel special. but i dont know if i can even convey that type of energy into someone anymore i gave up on all that a long time ago when i realized that girls are to mean to me and i fall so easily. so i guess its back to try out square one again. if i feel like it that day.
yea ok..i would die if i waited any longer.. and besides that you get yours like everyday.
I always found it strange but yet very charming how after a few months, after everything has fizzled down, ex's can sit down and talk like really good friends, even laugh at things they'd fought over. Beauty.