Nothing to exciting today, My car is getting fixed, but they wont tell me whats wrong with it until its done. Isnt that wrong? Can they even do that? Now I dont know how much it will be until I go to pick it up later. that sucks
I am looking forward to going back to school on monday......Not really, but I'm getting bored just sitting around here watching tv, Its about 20 degrees outside, and windy. I was gonna go out tonight, but yeah right...way to cold for that. I can't wait till April.
Nothing to exciting today, My car is getting fixed, but they wont tell me whats wrong with it until its done. Isnt that wrong? Can they even do that? Now I dont know how much it will be until I go to pick it up later. that sucks

I am looking forward to going back to school on monday......Not really, but I'm getting bored just sitting around here watching tv, Its about 20 degrees outside, and windy. I was gonna go out tonight, but yeah right...way to cold for that. I can't wait till April.
He's sleeping on my left hand now so I can't go anywhere without waking him up: */...he's a Terrier

You would
Ha ha just jokin" with you
Have a great night