My hair is black again! Wooo! Well, very dark red
. It's mega nice, I got myself a "my boyfreind dumped me that arsehole" cut, so I look Faboo!
It's my birthday soon! Thankfully "that arsehole" said he's going to get me a nice pressie, and if it matches up to the samurai swords I got him it'll all be well
if not I'll feel so pissed off that I fell for someone that doesn't really know me
Still, Tarrie owes me a night out so hopefully I will go out and have a laf! And not feel lonely without my Ant

It's my birthday soon! Thankfully "that arsehole" said he's going to get me a nice pressie, and if it matches up to the samurai swords I got him it'll all be well

Still, Tarrie owes me a night out so hopefully I will go out and have a laf! And not feel lonely without my Ant

Thing was Spaced was, it really reminds me of a past time in my life and I could really identify with it (the time I spent living with my mate Carla). So now, the new series could spoil that... but I doubt it. I do have faith in Simon Pegg, but his stuff only works with me cos I see so much of me and my relationships in his work (especially Ed and Shaun in SOTD). If that makes any sense...
And the last thing me and my mate need is another item to whip out when drunk
As for anti-depressants, I'm pretty much against all types, prescribed or otherwise