Hello! Wow! I FINALLY became a member! After perving whenever my freind Tarrie came over to update her journal. I've already made a documentary on the site I thought I'd finally join!! There's so many cool smilies, look! A pirate
!!!! Y'arrrrr!
At the moment thin journal shall b full of missing Ant (he's workind down in Southend during the week), and getting over a harsh phonecall from a poo ex that just set me back 1 year of self-therapy.
So, first step, OMG new sex toys from Ann Summers! and NOT overpriced
. My freind Anna bough the clitoral one, I'm waiting for the ENTIRE lowdown soon!

At the moment thin journal shall b full of missing Ant (he's workind down in Southend during the week), and getting over a harsh phonecall from a poo ex that just set me back 1 year of self-therapy.
So, first step, OMG new sex toys from Ann Summers! and NOT overpriced

ra ra ra ra
what the hell does this smiley signafy
? is it a bandit or a monkey?!!