I Hate Dating Scammers, People that Leave You Hanging, and Thoughts It Gives Me
Am I a magnet for being contacted by dating scammers? I think so. If you don't know how they operate this is the short way. They contact your profile you respond giving them your email address. Then they begin going through a series of canned responses to your questions, weaving in some problem they are having then a request for money. The are numerous reports of people that have loss over thousands of dollars to them. How much am I out well $30 to one internet dating site which I cancelled my personal ad on after finding out the truth.
Tonight I was luckier the dating site has a seven day free trial so out nothing but hurt and irritation. What gets me is both sites require that you join before seeing the email or who is emailing you. Although they both have a free way to let users express interest in each other. It makes me wonder if the sites are involved or not? It bad enough that I am single find out someone is interested then find they only scammers.
Another thing that if find irritating about people is them not letting you know they are interested in you especially after you send them your pictures. A recent example that has happened to me a girl (her actions have caused me to lower her status from "a woman" to "a girl") contacted me on one site. I made mention that I was looking to hear from someone that was interested in me to spend my last credits on. I get a wink from her show she is interested. She responds and I add her to her my IM . she asks a few questions. I send her my pictures, she then conveniently has to go.
Days pass, I log in to my IM she is set to AWAY. I check the dating site we met on which will log you out due to active it shows she is online. forgetting about her I go to another dating site that has a chat client built in and low an behold she has a profile there. I now it is her as she is soliciting people to chat with via the IM client she has me marked to AWAY with. She also is having problems as her IM logs in and out going from away to online to away creating a lot of pop-ups on my end. I am subscribed at that site but with not picture there either and send her an email that I wanted to chat but saw she was overwhelmed but the responses she was getting and having connection problems along with her pictures are nice. Today she has responded with she is on a wireless connection that drops out occasionally but she is normally on here to chat from 4-12 daily.
So I send her an IM that if she is no longer interest let me know as it appears you don't want to talk and that I would appreciate an answer then log out my IM. Still no response at the time of me blogging. I know I am not the greatest looking guy but rejection hurts but being led on is worse in my opinion. Why do they want to toy with my emotions are they afraid I will want to stalk them or something? Do they want me to hound/beg for them? Personally I have better things to do then track down a someone that is looking for something else and doesn't have enough courtesy to say no longer interested.
Dealing with this has put a negative cloud over my normal positive friendly attitude. Maybe I should treating people like I am get treated. Be a user instead of the used? I hate myself when I start think like this because the world is bad enough without me having the same behavior. Someone send me something that will cheer me up.
Am I a magnet for being contacted by dating scammers? I think so. If you don't know how they operate this is the short way. They contact your profile you respond giving them your email address. Then they begin going through a series of canned responses to your questions, weaving in some problem they are having then a request for money. The are numerous reports of people that have loss over thousands of dollars to them. How much am I out well $30 to one internet dating site which I cancelled my personal ad on after finding out the truth.
Tonight I was luckier the dating site has a seven day free trial so out nothing but hurt and irritation. What gets me is both sites require that you join before seeing the email or who is emailing you. Although they both have a free way to let users express interest in each other. It makes me wonder if the sites are involved or not? It bad enough that I am single find out someone is interested then find they only scammers.
Another thing that if find irritating about people is them not letting you know they are interested in you especially after you send them your pictures. A recent example that has happened to me a girl (her actions have caused me to lower her status from "a woman" to "a girl") contacted me on one site. I made mention that I was looking to hear from someone that was interested in me to spend my last credits on. I get a wink from her show she is interested. She responds and I add her to her my IM . she asks a few questions. I send her my pictures, she then conveniently has to go.
Days pass, I log in to my IM she is set to AWAY. I check the dating site we met on which will log you out due to active it shows she is online. forgetting about her I go to another dating site that has a chat client built in and low an behold she has a profile there. I now it is her as she is soliciting people to chat with via the IM client she has me marked to AWAY with. She also is having problems as her IM logs in and out going from away to online to away creating a lot of pop-ups on my end. I am subscribed at that site but with not picture there either and send her an email that I wanted to chat but saw she was overwhelmed but the responses she was getting and having connection problems along with her pictures are nice. Today she has responded with she is on a wireless connection that drops out occasionally but she is normally on here to chat from 4-12 daily.
So I send her an IM that if she is no longer interest let me know as it appears you don't want to talk and that I would appreciate an answer then log out my IM. Still no response at the time of me blogging. I know I am not the greatest looking guy but rejection hurts but being led on is worse in my opinion. Why do they want to toy with my emotions are they afraid I will want to stalk them or something? Do they want me to hound/beg for them? Personally I have better things to do then track down a someone that is looking for something else and doesn't have enough courtesy to say no longer interested.
Dealing with this has put a negative cloud over my normal positive friendly attitude. Maybe I should treating people like I am get treated. Be a user instead of the used? I hate myself when I start think like this because the world is bad enough without me having the same behavior. Someone send me something that will cheer me up.

So what sits have you tried? Maybe if you put some photos of you up so they will know what you look like then you will only have girls that are interested in you contact you! Ive had some of the same problems, I belong to one of them and I will send out like 20 emails and not even get one back, the ones that I do get back are always girls wanting to know my email address and then when I give it to them they want me to go look at there web sit and it will turn out to be some kind of pay site, so basically what they are trying to do is get you to join there site. I know that the dating site has nothing to do with it because a couple of days later when I go to look at there email on the site they profile is not longer available! So it happens to the best of us, you will find some one just dont stop looking!
Thanks for the job links!