Well, I have been working on my webpage just enough to call it quits for the evening. I also enjoyed dinner with two friends that I have not seen since August.
Tomorrow I am off to work some freelance computer repair after my many job and get me seventy-five to a one hundered dollars for my effort.
I guess now is the time for me to rant on how my non-sg personal ads are getting no responses except to bots that want to lure me off that site and join another. If I wanted digital love I would listen to Digital Underground
Well enough about my digital bot responses.
Here are a few websites to for those of you that read this to checkout:
www.vangoghsky.com - I know these guys
www.threewheelmotion - I know these guys, too
www.homestarrunner.com - It don't get much better than some Strongbad Email's
www.redvsblue.com - Download some episodes and enjoy the show
www.loft-nadir.com - My personal webpage
dosstolemybike.ytmnd.com - This might take a bit to load/
Tomorrow I am off to work some freelance computer repair after my many job and get me seventy-five to a one hundered dollars for my effort.
I guess now is the time for me to rant on how my non-sg personal ads are getting no responses except to bots that want to lure me off that site and join another. If I wanted digital love I would listen to Digital Underground
Well enough about my digital bot responses.
Here are a few websites to for those of you that read this to checkout:
www.vangoghsky.com - I know these guys
www.threewheelmotion - I know these guys, too
www.homestarrunner.com - It don't get much better than some Strongbad Email's
www.redvsblue.com - Download some episodes and enjoy the show
www.loft-nadir.com - My personal webpage
dosstolemybike.ytmnd.com - This might take a bit to load/
I didnt in bed in tell after 3!
Your friend was very nice, you can tell her I said hi, by the way what was her name, I forgot what it was the min you told me?
You need to find more SG friends!