plane rides suck ass...
especially when 3/4 of the planes occupants are over 70.
that results in the plane stinking of old death.
and they tend to get kinda cranky when you keep crawling over them to visit the restroom facility as a result of guzzzzling beer as fast as you can.
especially when a 14 year old girl passes out into your lap on her trip to the restroom facility, spilling your beer.
especially when it takes all of the old geezers for FUCKING ever to get on and off of the plane.
plane rides suck ass...
plane rides suck ass...
especially when 3/4 of the planes occupants are over 70.
that results in the plane stinking of old death.
and they tend to get kinda cranky when you keep crawling over them to visit the restroom facility as a result of guzzzzling beer as fast as you can.
especially when a 14 year old girl passes out into your lap on her trip to the restroom facility, spilling your beer.
especially when it takes all of the old geezers for FUCKING ever to get on and off of the plane.
plane rides suck ass...
Enjoy the waffles!!!