this is a generic message to all of the people on my friends list. I have reached the point where I must accept the slackass nature of myself and accept that I will never respond to each person who told me happy birthday individually. so...this is like a memo.
if you told me happy birthday; thank you. IRL, no one did outside of y'all just rocked my socks.
if you didn't tell me happy birthday...well. fuck off.
i need new exhaust manifolds for my car. $270 for both..they should be here by next friday. it is going to be a major fucking bitch getting the old ones off.
so i was out and about and the goddamned alternator died tonight...luckily right when i pulled in the driveway. there goes another 50 to 80 bucks, but luckily thats hella easy to put... Read More
Well, I officially apprenticed in a shop for a year but lived with a tattoo artist for about two years so you can only imagine that for those years, my life was living, eating, and breathing ink... I also worked at a veterinary clinic for two years where after each spay or neuter the animals were given a small tattoo to indicate that they had been altered... special tattoos could be requested by the owners... yeah, that was my job... I've had my fair share of time with a machine in hand... doing at least a few tattoos a day on both humans and animals
heh... and yeah... I'd love some to do some work on you. the more, the merrier
nothing new to report beside the weather cooling down.
oh, and i introduced some solid food to my steady diet of alcohol.
looks as though i will be heading back east next monday. work work work, drink drink drink. seems like thats all i ever do. i do manage to get some skateboarding and sleeping in here and there.
the sunset was very soothing tonight.... Read More
It is way too fucking hot in my house.
With a cold beer in one hand, and the shaver in the other, I'm going to shave my head.
Went skating yesterday and sweated my fucking balls off.
Who the fuck turned up the heat?
I fucking moved to Seattle to get away from the fucking heatwaves of summer.
Christ! Am I going to have to... Read More
work sucked so much ass today.
i ended up being there for over 12 hours.
i did, however, finish all my projects.
saw suicide girls live burlesque tonight(directly after work).
blew me off my feet. after such a long day at wurk, i wasn't in the best of moods, so i must appologize for not being a socialistic person. after the 6th... Read More
The idea is to unite with the tall ppl that way you can gain access to their shoulders thereby having the greatest vantage point possible. Being five two I know about this dilemma all too well. Someone commented that you said nothing about the injustice taking place? As little as we wee folk are sometimes our mouths can make up for our stature.
21 grams is about how the lives of three serparate families coincede. Its not about drugs. Its shot Quentin Tarantino style with a disjointed timeline. Theres tons of good looking hollywood actors(if thats your bag), most are just cameo's tho. Sean Penn and Benicio Del Toro are your major players and its fuckin great.
busy weekend is almost here.
friday...hopefully finish 6 projects at wurk that are due...night time is reserved for the SG show at the crock.
it will be a blast. booze and beautiful naked can you go wrong with that?????!!!!!!!!
sat. get ready for trips, night time, party it up with the frinz and hopefully make it to portland. in awe as best... Read More
drinking too much seems to be what i do best.
Saw Book of Black Earth play again tonight. They played a short set at the sunset but still rawked my socks right the fuck off.
took a recent weekend trip to portland to visit frinz.
been seeing as many shows as my pocket will allow.
been skateboarding as much as the rain will permit. can't... Read More
my mind is tired and weak-
over exertion was never expected-
but was always lingering in the darkest recess of my soul-
eyes half closed, i stare at the road layed out before me-
bloodshot and burnt, my eyes search for my rescue...
i love the fact that aquateen hunger force now comes on 2 times a night every night of the week!
now i can fall asleep in peace.
watched the sunset tonight.
absolutely beautiful.
i sometimes find myslef staring into the sky for long periods of time thinking about the way its all layed out.
i am often amazed at how pretty the sun going away... Read More
i bet the sunsets in AZ are to dye for. wish i could see some of them. do you have any pics of them you could post?
thats probably the closest i could get to them for awhile.
sunsets can be the one thing that can do a person in or they can be the one thing that can bring a person out of a rutt.
derek hess...
his work is...
it is just ...
so cool. i think Valentine was my favorite for quite some time. now i am going to have to go with a 3-way tie.
Valentin, Closer to god, and Original2. It will probably change in a day or two. i have been thinking about getting a shirt or two from his website also...possibly a few drawings too. just can't seem to decide which ones.
ATHF just rawks so so so hard! i used to be in the same boat...having to wait to download episodes but now i have cable (pretty much the only reason i got cable was for cartoon network...and discovery channel) now i make sure i keep the vhs tape in so i can record the episodes i don't have.
hmmmm....favorite episodes? i like the ones with the mooninites lots and lots. i fucking love when they give the bird and hope that they can see it cause they are doing it as hard as they can. classic. carl just cracks me up whenever he speaks. plus he is just a bad ass... no, the point is...i don't give a damn. master shake...yeah...
someone stole my pda and i will destroy this house until i find out who it was!!!
more beautiful...sunset or sunrise...
depends on the mood. both can stop my heart on any given day of the week. i too often forget how beautiful the world can be. not the things in the world or the things going on in the world, but the world itself.
saw donnie darko twice.
once with my own company and once with a frin. why twice? i like to see movies with my own company.
plus i just think that movie rawks.
myths busted today(since i am a mythbuster):
dishes do not clean themselves.
beer does not reproduce in my fridge.
my room does not clean itself.
the people i live with do not... Read More
I think Donnie Darko is an awesome movie, although I have to say that it's not as deep as everyone makes it out to be. I really like that song that plays at the end but I have no idea what it's called or who plays it.
ran out of beer about an hour and a half ago. now i'm working on finishing my 4th jack n coke. the room is slightly spinning and my oh my...whats this?
its starting to rain lightly outside.
4 am
falling asleep seems like it is not going to happen. i might have to start taking shots until i pass out.
i actually did something at... Read More
this evening i found myself drinking heavily in a bowling alley.
over the course of two hours we played 3 games. much beer was consumed. i was saddened that PBR could not be purchased there. i made do with mgd...until i depleted their supply, then switched to bud light (yuck...but whats a guy gonna do?)
i got fucked up, needless to say.
my low score... Read More
this is a generic message to all of the people on my friends list. I have reached the point where I must accept the slackass nature of myself and accept that I will never respond to each person who told me happy birthday individually. so...this is like a memo.
if you told me happy birthday; thank you. IRL, no one did outside of y'all just rocked my socks.
if you didn't tell me happy birthday...well. fuck off.