so history repeats itself........

i seem to have this problem ./....

i have a lot of friends that don't have much money, and often they ask to borrow some, promising to pay it back at a certain time....

well, over the past year, i've lent 3200 to my friends in their time of need.. and guess what... they either never return my calls again, or...
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Ya people suck. I learned the hard way about money.
Thats a real tough spot and its hard to say no to friends! I wish I could help in someway!
so the question i've been asking myself lately, half trying to deal w/ all my regret, half trying to figure out how to live my life, is this:

instant gratification vs. long term happiness

and what i've come up w/ is this... i think i need to establish some sort of long term parameters that i know will keep me on the path to happiness...
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I deleted your post by accident frown if you have the chance re-post your comment I didnt get the chance to read it. before my uncordinated
hand clicked on delete.

[Edited on Sep 19, 2005 11:34PM]
Thanks for re-posting your comment for me. I agree we must not lose hope. Once hope is gone there is nothing left so whats the point?
do you ever feel like you need someone that doesn't just give you sympathy? someone, who when you go to w/ your problems doesn't just say.. "oh i'm sorry"...

it's werid.. cuz that's how a lot of people react... sometimes we just need someone that will listen and understand ... not just feel sorry for you

i value empathy so much more than sympathy.. the...
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i feel the same way. especially today. thanks for the add.
to whomever,

i hope you are feeling a little happier..
i know what it's like to be depressed, and i wouldn't want to wish it on anyone

i know the last thing you want is for someone to say that "it'll all be ok"

and, honestly, i CAN'T say that to you, because sometimes i don't even know why i keep going...

but what i...
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Hey, thanks for the invite, but I'm not really a fan. . .I'm poor, and I will be going to Tucson for Motley Crue on Oct. 4. . .can't take off anymore work. Talk to ya later!
Oh how I wish I lived closer!!! Thanks for the link, its cool to look around! Wish I had more money!
When George bush returns from his vecation he will hav finished the LONGEST presidentail retreat in four decades...

he's now spent 20% of his entire presidency vacationing at his ranch...

if you throw in the time he spends at camp david and other gettaways, he's only spent 6.5 of his given 8 years IN THE WHITE HOUSE.

It's the least of all time, barring nixon,...
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The head of FEMA was a fuckin joke. I was relieved to hear he resigned. I heard something about him lying on his resume? Well regardless I think he showed everyone he didnt have the qualifications for the job.

As for bush.............well..................makes me to mad to even comment on.

[Edited on Sep 14, 2005 8:44PM]
so, i'm watching this show on sept 11, and i don't know.. i'm still really emotional about it. Watching these shows/documentaries still makes me cry. I can't believe that it's almost been 4 years already.. sometimes, it feels like it just happened yesterday...

plz, lets not forget the lives that were lost this sept 11th.. it's affected us all
Hey you, how ya doing? I too was able to catch some of the sept.11 coverage yesterday and you said it all... it really is emotional. I was in high school when it happened and it seems like it happend the other day. I know I wont forget, and lke you siad I hope no one will!!! Im here if ya want to talk!
Watching anything to do with September 11th makes me cry as well so I know what you mean :::::HUGS::::::: I will never forget anything about that day. It is still so vivid in my mind. where I was, what I was wearing, the phone call from my friend and what was said, the way it made me feel. I still get that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach when I thing about it.

I agree with what you said about not forgetting the lives lost on that day. It is so important that we always remember.

[Edited on Sep 14, 2005 4:17PM]
So I'm wiccan.. and carry the markings of my craft on my body...

today someone asked me if i 1) kill dogs, 2) killed her dog, 3) worshiped satan, and 4) why if indeed i did worship satan, would she need a dog to be sacrtficed to her?

this lady was totally serious...

religious ignorance bothers me, a LOT...

is anyone else here wiccan? or...
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I'm not wiccan, mine has no name but all my friends are and we all get the same thing quite often!
Theres' usually a large group of us sitting together though so luckily they don't stick arund long.
Funny how some people can question everyone elses beliefs but become extra defensive when questioned on their own. (Especially when they're unable to back up theirs and we can back up both.) biggrin
Knowing truly is half the battle! eeek
I'm agnostic/atheist. . .somewhere in the middle of that, if there is a middle. I hate that shit. I don't feel a need to explain myself to anyone else, and I don't feel I need to ask about anyone else's religion unless I'm interrested. And yes, there can be a free toothbrush of your choice thrown in. smile
what's up i didn't get any love on my dane cook dis?


friday nite people.. what's going on in phoenix??
so bought the new dane cook cd and mitch hedburg cd... i've nver bought a comedy cd..

they were friggin hilarious i laughed and laughed and laughed, and then they wre over and i can't really listen to them again...

stupid comedy cd's

i hate you dane cook you tricked me

so there's a track on the new atmosphere called suicide girls... anyone know...
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and that didn't need to be seen really.. i was just drunk
my boyfriend lived there. i hate going to visit his family. that place is...pretty much a shithole. though i can't say much for rockford.
Nope. Can't say I've heard of doormouse... But then I've only lived here for a few months... So I may just be out of that loop, for now... I tend to make myself well-known in my places of residence once I'm comfortable with the people and the area, so I'm sure either he'll hear of me, or vice-versa (How's that for ego? Hehe).