I know a lot of people and I truly like a lot of people...but I don't talk to them often and they won't know most details of my life. I don't make new friends easily, though I am good at talking to and getting along with new people.
Even the people I am closest to, my family and best friends, I'll talk to them once a week or less most of the time. This isn't because I'm being a jerk and don't care about them, I just don't feel like I have anything to talk about; nothing new or interesting has happened to me. But if they want to talk to me about things in their lives, I'm always interested in hearing it and I love encouraging the people I care about in their interests.
I guess I feel like there isn't a point to talking unless I have something interesting or of value to say? Too many people say nothing (or bullshit) all the time, especially on social media. This is why I'm not good at small talk, I find things like sports inconsequential, but I can talk politics, mythology or books for hours.
This might not make sense to most people, being both outgoing and anti-social, it doesn't make sense to me, but it's how I am.
This is not an invitation to try and change me because you can't. And you won't be the one guy to break through my frosty defenses because @handsome_jack beat you to it. That is all.