1/30: What is the geekiest thing about you?
I don't really know what would be considered "geeky", but here goes:
I really like SciFi. I love books like Dune, and I read them often. I also love shows like Star Trek and Firefly. I also like Urban Fantasy stuff like the Anita Blake series...and you're more likely to find me reading than out partying.
I'm good at sciences and I love them. Chemistry and Astronomy are my favorites and I watch things like Through The Wormhole instead of the usual cable tv shows.
I love off-beat comics like Fables, Chew, Hack/Slash, Locke & Key...I don't usually read the Superhero ones.
I like some anime, though I have friends even more into it than I am. I do have an anime tattoo though :)
I read the news, a lot, mostly from sources outside the U.S., though Vice News is awesome. :) People with uninformed opinioned drive me crazy.
I study world religions because I find them interesting...and I think they're all a bunch of fairy tales that plagiarize each other and cause at least 1/2 of the world's problems.
I might think of more things later, but those are usually the things that can get me funny looks. So, are any of those particularly geeky? Lol
Xoxo, Selene