's been a while...
I have been so busy lately!
I moved to a different department at work and it has been great! I get more hours (they still won't make me full-time, of course) but it's better than before and now I get to mostly do my own little projects instead of interacting with customers constantly. It's not that I don't like most of our customers, most are lovely people, but the ones who aren't and will corner employees that they know HAVE to deal with them...yea, that was enough to make me want to leave and go to a more behind-the-scenes department. Now, if someone acts like a jerk, I can just say something real quick and walk away. That's right, I get to walk off and not deal with crap anymore...and it's fabulous!
I have been taking a new online class that is pretty fucking hard. It's Medical Terminology, which thank some deity I am already familiar with since I have a Psych degree, but fuck! There are a lot of polysyllabic words that are super hard to learn! But so far I haven't done worse than a 90% on any of my quizzes or homework so I think I'm doing ok so far.
Our apartment complex was bought out by one of the bigger rental groups in Portland and they suck! They are making "improvements" which include lots of noisy superficial projects where the workers will leave trash on your patio and start the pounding at like 8am every day, which is awesome when your days off are during the week and not on weekends.
But they still haven't fixed our road that is littered with potholes and they have made our garbage system so bad that the compactors (of which there are 2 for like 300 apts) and recycling bins are overflowing onto the street weekly. In addition to the trash problem they have decided to hike up rent by $50 a month AND they will no longer cover utilities, which most of were included with our rent it'll be an extra $100 to have trash problems and the lovely new trashy neighbors who let their toddlers roam around without supervision or make obscene amounts of noise until 3am on a regular basis. This place is in NO WAY worth that kind of money.... SO, I have been spending most of my free time apartment hunting. It's a shame that the most affordable places for our budget are in some of the more "colorful" areas of the city, but if it'll save us about $200 a month, so be it. It has been exhausting though! 
And then today my mom told me that they are putting our family dog to sleep tomorrow morning.
I'll be at brunch with the SGPDX group because I have been planning this event for weeks, but my heart will be with our sweet Milo. I found here with she was small enough to fit in a cat bed. She was just wandering around my block, but when I called her, she came rushing over to lick and play with me. My parents insisted (rightly) that I try to find the owners, so we put up posters in our neighborhood and put out some local ads, but no one claimed her and after 3 weeks I had talked my parents into keeping her. She was this sweet little yellow lab-husky looking mix that was always so sweet to everyone, including strangers and other dogs. In fact, any time she was around other dogs who were small, she would try to mother them and protect them from any bigger dogs around.
She was never the type of dog to bark a lot or pull on her leash when you walked her...she loved to play and cuddle and she was even good enough to not try and eat food off your plate if you left it unattended. She was the best kind of dog, but after 15 years, time wore her out. She needed surgery for her back legs, but even after she had trouble standing up on her own and needed medication and cortisone injects many times a day. I knew this day was coming because you could tell she was in pain, but it still hurts and I'm still incredibly sad that I won't get to be with her tomorrow morning to be with her as she passes, but my parent will be with her and that is something. I have seen people leave their pets alone to be put down when I worked at an Animal Clinic...I know it's hard, but I would never want my family members to die alone or with strangers and I couldn't believe that other people would do that. She had a happy, long life filled with a lot of love and she will be missed.
So that has been my life for the last few weeks in a nutshell...hectic doesn't quite describe it, but it comes close. As the saying (and song) goes: "Let it go, this too shall pass."
I hope this blog finds you all very well, my friends. And so it's not all bad, I can let you know that I will have another set coming out soon, shot by Brooklyn during the Las Vegas Shootfest.
Xoxo, Selene
I have been so busy lately!
I moved to a different department at work and it has been great! I get more hours (they still won't make me full-time, of course) but it's better than before and now I get to mostly do my own little projects instead of interacting with customers constantly. It's not that I don't like most of our customers, most are lovely people, but the ones who aren't and will corner employees that they know HAVE to deal with them...yea, that was enough to make me want to leave and go to a more behind-the-scenes department. Now, if someone acts like a jerk, I can just say something real quick and walk away. That's right, I get to walk off and not deal with crap anymore...and it's fabulous!
I have been taking a new online class that is pretty fucking hard. It's Medical Terminology, which thank some deity I am already familiar with since I have a Psych degree, but fuck! There are a lot of polysyllabic words that are super hard to learn! But so far I haven't done worse than a 90% on any of my quizzes or homework so I think I'm doing ok so far.

Our apartment complex was bought out by one of the bigger rental groups in Portland and they suck! They are making "improvements" which include lots of noisy superficial projects where the workers will leave trash on your patio and start the pounding at like 8am every day, which is awesome when your days off are during the week and not on weekends.

And then today my mom told me that they are putting our family dog to sleep tomorrow morning.

So that has been my life for the last few weeks in a nutshell...hectic doesn't quite describe it, but it comes close. As the saying (and song) goes: "Let it go, this too shall pass."
I hope this blog finds you all very well, my friends. And so it's not all bad, I can let you know that I will have another set coming out soon, shot by Brooklyn during the Las Vegas Shootfest.
Xoxo, Selene

Glad you get to escape the madness that is customer service.
I just recently got my Gogol Bordellos ticket, so perhaps I'll see you there.