Gee, I haven't really been around here much lately, have I? Sorry to everyone that I love that I have not been keeping up with! I'm sure I've missed some things and please do not take my lack of commentary on blogs and such personally!!
I still love you guys, I promise!
Work has been keeping me busy. Which reminds me, how many of you actually watched my video??
The second installment is up now if you want to check it out.
Violet B6-IX superheroine And I've been trying to do more modelling that isn't of the nude variety to build up a portfolio that I can actually show most people. I'm not quitting SG, but since they don't seem too excited about my last sets, I figured I would give them a break for a while...or at least until someone like writeboy, Hildreth or Lavonne comes to visit Portland. (Hint, hint guys!!)
How have all of you lovely people been doing?? Please, tell me all the juicy details I have been missing these past few weeks!
xoxo, Selene

Work has been keeping me busy. Which reminds me, how many of you actually watched my video??

How have all of you lovely people been doing?? Please, tell me all the juicy details I have been missing these past few weeks!

xoxo, Selene