OK, I did an Announcement earlier, but I wanted to go a bit more in to the issue...shocking, I know.
Who here thinks it would be totally cool to do an SG set in a Church? Cathedral? Mosque? And if you do, are you religious? If you are, I would actually love to know the thought behind that...
For me, I am not religious, and anyone who knows me even a little knows that I especially dislike the Catholic Church. I think they are sexist, bigoted, and see no problems with extorting and hoarding money from people by claiming they are the only path to God...I won't even get into the scandals...
That being said, I would never dream of shooting a set for SG, or doing any naked pictures at all, in a Church because I respect what that place is for the religion and the people who have faith in it. The Institution of the Church doesn't really mean crap to me, but a lot of the people do because they aren't bad people and they deserve respect like anyone else, including the respect for things most important to them. (Shit, I would even ask before taking pictures at all out of respect!)
That being said, who is familiar with something called a Smudging Ceremony or Smudge Ritual? If any of you have spent time around Native Americans or been to a Pow Wow, I am sure you have seen this and that you would also know that it's a very important and sacred thing. During the Ceremony a bundle (or "stick") of Sage is burned so that the smoke may cleanse and heal people and sometimes places. I have never heard of photography being allowed during one of these Ceremonies, though some might not mind on a personal level, I haven't seen it at group events...and, as always, when you're witnessing something that is sacred or that you are unfamiliar with, it is almost best to ask someone who does know or the person performing the ceremony.
Now my point: I recently came across a set of pictures, not on here that I know of, but on another site that does pictures similar to SG pretty often. After my initial shock and anger, I decided to let myself chill out a bit before saying something...nothing too harsh either. I let the photographer know that the theme of the set was based on a very sacred ceremony and having it be used in that way was insulting. Not too bad, right? No name calling or anything like that.
This was my response: "um, sorry to offend you. but what you said could apply to so many sets on another popular alt site, i'm sure you know what i mean. anyway, i'm sorry if you took it the wrong way, but the title is simply a play on words and she happens to be burning some sage in the photos. and maybe we think of being naked and sharing it to BE a sacred thing. isn't it? sorry if you don't feel that way.."
And now I'm a bit pissed: So I respond that "other sets" on the "other site" (wink, wink! they meant here) don't concern me because they aren't about MY culture or rituals being exploited for profit, so that is for those people to be concerned with. (Though, depending on how insulting it was, I would probably say something if I came across anyway) And that if it were just a "play on words" then there would have only been some play on using/burning the Sage, not specifically calling it what the Ceremony that uses the sage is called, sage isn't even mentioned! I said that I hope they both thought a little more next time and also mentioned that while I DO think nudity and sex/sexuality can be a very sacred thing, it kind of loses that when it's done for money... I do not think posing nude for money is wrong (obviously! ) and I don't think having sex for money is wrong (please legalize and regulate prostitution!:kiss, but I also don't try to pretend that feeling good about myself naked and getting some cash on the side for it is anything more grand or noble than being naked and getting paid. It is what it is, and that's ok.
What do you think? Am I overreacting here? I think I am reacting a bit better than would happen if you were to be caught taking naked pictures in a Church, but I could be wrong.
As always, I welcome the thoughts and discussion, even if you disagree with my views.
Have a good night/morning everyone!
xoxo, Selene
Who here thinks it would be totally cool to do an SG set in a Church? Cathedral? Mosque? And if you do, are you religious? If you are, I would actually love to know the thought behind that...
For me, I am not religious, and anyone who knows me even a little knows that I especially dislike the Catholic Church. I think they are sexist, bigoted, and see no problems with extorting and hoarding money from people by claiming they are the only path to God...I won't even get into the scandals...
That being said, I would never dream of shooting a set for SG, or doing any naked pictures at all, in a Church because I respect what that place is for the religion and the people who have faith in it. The Institution of the Church doesn't really mean crap to me, but a lot of the people do because they aren't bad people and they deserve respect like anyone else, including the respect for things most important to them. (Shit, I would even ask before taking pictures at all out of respect!)
That being said, who is familiar with something called a Smudging Ceremony or Smudge Ritual? If any of you have spent time around Native Americans or been to a Pow Wow, I am sure you have seen this and that you would also know that it's a very important and sacred thing. During the Ceremony a bundle (or "stick") of Sage is burned so that the smoke may cleanse and heal people and sometimes places. I have never heard of photography being allowed during one of these Ceremonies, though some might not mind on a personal level, I haven't seen it at group events...and, as always, when you're witnessing something that is sacred or that you are unfamiliar with, it is almost best to ask someone who does know or the person performing the ceremony.
Now my point: I recently came across a set of pictures, not on here that I know of, but on another site that does pictures similar to SG pretty often. After my initial shock and anger, I decided to let myself chill out a bit before saying something...nothing too harsh either. I let the photographer know that the theme of the set was based on a very sacred ceremony and having it be used in that way was insulting. Not too bad, right? No name calling or anything like that.
This was my response: "um, sorry to offend you. but what you said could apply to so many sets on another popular alt site, i'm sure you know what i mean. anyway, i'm sorry if you took it the wrong way, but the title is simply a play on words and she happens to be burning some sage in the photos. and maybe we think of being naked and sharing it to BE a sacred thing. isn't it? sorry if you don't feel that way.."
And now I'm a bit pissed: So I respond that "other sets" on the "other site" (wink, wink! they meant here) don't concern me because they aren't about MY culture or rituals being exploited for profit, so that is for those people to be concerned with. (Though, depending on how insulting it was, I would probably say something if I came across anyway) And that if it were just a "play on words" then there would have only been some play on using/burning the Sage, not specifically calling it what the Ceremony that uses the sage is called, sage isn't even mentioned! I said that I hope they both thought a little more next time and also mentioned that while I DO think nudity and sex/sexuality can be a very sacred thing, it kind of loses that when it's done for money... I do not think posing nude for money is wrong (obviously! ) and I don't think having sex for money is wrong (please legalize and regulate prostitution!:kiss, but I also don't try to pretend that feeling good about myself naked and getting some cash on the side for it is anything more grand or noble than being naked and getting paid. It is what it is, and that's ok.
What do you think? Am I overreacting here? I think I am reacting a bit better than would happen if you were to be caught taking naked pictures in a Church, but I could be wrong.
As always, I welcome the thoughts and discussion, even if you disagree with my views.
Have a good night/morning everyone!
xoxo, Selene
I have a policy of anything good gets in, not just my stuff, anything. I can't pay money though. I do give participating models tee shirts. Pesky has one.
It does me some great good to know that I can write to you and that you think of me. It really helps these days. I will update today... new blog. I think that it's important to do it: it helps me to see all this in a clearer way when I put words down here. Then I can take a bit of distance with this all. And I owe it to my friends here who send me strength, who think of me and send me tons of love. I feel blessed by all of these thoughts.
Thank you for being such a good friend.