For the people that I love, I hope you are all doing very well!
Emerald City Comic Con was great! I didn't get to see ALL of the people that I would have liked to, I was REALLY hoping I would get to meet the creator on Fables, which is one of the best comic series! But, I did get to meet the creators of iZombie!
Such a great "retro" looking comic that is set in Eugene (yay Oregon!) about a zombie, but one that is actually functioning and her friends, a ghost and a were-Terrier. LOL Yep, you read that right, not a were-wolf, a were-terrier...if you want to know more, you'll have to read it. It is done by this super cute couple; the husband writes it and does all the initial sketching and then the wife will color it on the computer, and they were SO sweet!
AND, the best thing in the whole world, ever: I got to meet Jhonen Vasquez!
A lot of artists of popular comics has special signing times when a limited amount of tickets were given to get anything signed: The creators of Morning Glories, Chew, The Walking Dead, Hack/Slash (go look into Cassie Hack, on here, it's great
) So those people were busy, of course, but Johnen was the ONLY guy that wasn't doing special signing times that constantly had a line.
He was actually pretty cool and pretty nice and apparently a fan of Dune.
And now I have a signed copy of Johnny The Homicidal Maniac!
Now wish me luck in my attempts to get into a competitive Vet Tech program for the fall!
It really helps that I already have a degree, prior experience, and my own pets...but my previous Biology classes might not be enough to meet the pre-reqs, so if it doesn't get approved, I'll have to wait until next year. 
NOW, to those of you who like to negatively spam my sets (which is very unfair to the photographers, I might add).
How many complaints did you guys launch and how many groups have you gotten to ban me?? I'm at about 4 now and I'm trying to find more...and ALL of this over an opinion of mine, on ONE thread on ONE of the Boards. For fucks sake people! Seriously, this type of thing is why I never wanted to be in a Sorority... I know a few of my views don't line up very well with most people, and that is perfectly fine, but come on...really?!
What ever happened to doing the adult thing when someone makes you mad? You try to resolve the issue, but if it can't be done, you ignore and/or avoid the person. It is possible to just not talk to people that annoy you, trust me, I do it on here all the time.
SO, to those of you who are all upset with me and want to "punish" me for being such a mean and horrible person, I have a proposition: Instead of spamming my sets with negative comments, why don't you tell me what you think here? I have a perfectly good blog that you can comment on all you'd like...unless you're only comfortable scorning me anonymously (yes, I can count when the comments go up, but not all of them appear on the boards, I'm good at basic math like that).

Emerald City Comic Con was great! I didn't get to see ALL of the people that I would have liked to, I was REALLY hoping I would get to meet the creator on Fables, which is one of the best comic series! But, I did get to meet the creators of iZombie!

AND, the best thing in the whole world, ever: I got to meet Jhonen Vasquez!

Now wish me luck in my attempts to get into a competitive Vet Tech program for the fall!

NOW, to those of you who like to negatively spam my sets (which is very unfair to the photographers, I might add).

What ever happened to doing the adult thing when someone makes you mad? You try to resolve the issue, but if it can't be done, you ignore and/or avoid the person. It is possible to just not talk to people that annoy you, trust me, I do it on here all the time.

SO, to those of you who are all upset with me and want to "punish" me for being such a mean and horrible person, I have a proposition: Instead of spamming my sets with negative comments, why don't you tell me what you think here? I have a perfectly good blog that you can comment on all you'd like...unless you're only comfortable scorning me anonymously (yes, I can count when the comments go up, but not all of them appear on the boards, I'm good at basic math like that).

"Gah! He shouldn't be alive, a huge chunk of his face was shot through"
he lost an eye and some memory! it's possible, esp. if he was hit by a small caliber bullet, or a ricochet.
Michonne is thankfully still around!
"What are some of the other Titles you have been buying?"
Savage Dragon, Invincible, a bunch more! have you read Witchdoctor? IT'S AWESOME.
To answer your question, "bath salts" are basically research chemicals sold as "bath salts: not for human consumption" to fool average people into thinking they're not drugs.
It's a sneaky thing to evade trouble from law enforcement.
The chemical name is really mephedrone, but there are others sold as "bath salts."