So...New Year...and I have spent all of it, so far, sick. Not cool! But at least I am slowly getting my mind back and hopefully getting rid of all the grossness that has been plaguing my head, throat and chest!
I have had a few requests for political blogs because, well, I do get very opinionated about politics and international affairs!
I would gladly participate in some discussions if anyone would like, but I have another idea in mind for this particular blog...maybe next time I'll get into the ramblings again. Most likely topics to be: Why are all the Republican candidates homophobic, religious nut-jobs and why do so many people like that crap??!? I mean SERIOUSLY?! You want someone who believes an outlandish work of fiction,including but not limited to, an all knowing being hating the idea of me eating shellfish or cotton/poly want THAT person making the rules about what everyone else can't do because a fucking ancient book says so?!?! IDIOTS! Ok, enough of that or this will be a political blog.
Oh, I would also like to know why the fuck our media isn't telling us about the MILLIONS of people assembling in places like Spain and Russia seeking to reform their governments! Seriously, there was a protest involving some 180,000 people in Portugal including 10,000 from the military! And it's total silence over here. BULLSHIT! That's what it is! Or what about the shit that went down in the Congo??! Way to go letting a war criminal take over so we can keep our hold on their resources! Our governments should be fucking ashamed!
Russia revolts!
Congo elections protests
Portugal protests
Ok, now I'm done...really. But please, go look at those stories! What I really wanted to talk about is far more nice and sweet. I wanted to talk about love! I am a sucker for it!
Every time a friend of mine tells me a sweet story about them and their partner or I read something sweet in a thread on here...even sweet, romantic movies for god's sake!
It just makes me all giddy and smiley thinking about people being happy and being in love. There was a time when I thought I was going to give up on the idea of being happy and in love; at that time I was in an awful marriage and I was completely miserable. I was thousands of miles away from my family and friends and I felt money to leave and a husband with an increasingly volatile temperament. He never hit me, luckily, but he did break a lot of our furniture, dishes, doors...he was pretty cruel and short tempered with my cats too which I hated him for! (How can you be mean to a soft, cuddly creature that just wants to sit in your lap and love you?!)
But then I met Justin! (Handsome_Jack) by chance on Facebook while admiring some photos he took of a friend. And he has been the best thing to ever happen to me!
So sweet and supportive, he's also very funny and pretty brilliant with computer stuff (which means I get downloads of all my favorite movies and tv shows! YAY!). Honestly, it's been about 1 1/2 years now and we've never even had a fight really...we can get into some heated arguments over things (like my views on Israel and Pakistan), but I've never once wanted to yell at him or tell him to piss off in anger. After all this time, I am finally just happy.
So please, add to my mush! Tell me about the people in your lives that make you happy and give you those warm and fuzzy feelings!
xoxo, Selene

I have had a few requests for political blogs because, well, I do get very opinionated about politics and international affairs!

Oh, I would also like to know why the fuck our media isn't telling us about the MILLIONS of people assembling in places like Spain and Russia seeking to reform their governments! Seriously, there was a protest involving some 180,000 people in Portugal including 10,000 from the military! And it's total silence over here. BULLSHIT! That's what it is! Or what about the shit that went down in the Congo??! Way to go letting a war criminal take over so we can keep our hold on their resources! Our governments should be fucking ashamed!
Russia revolts!
Congo elections protests
Portugal protests
Ok, now I'm done...really. But please, go look at those stories! What I really wanted to talk about is far more nice and sweet. I wanted to talk about love! I am a sucker for it!

It just makes me all giddy and smiley thinking about people being happy and being in love. There was a time when I thought I was going to give up on the idea of being happy and in love; at that time I was in an awful marriage and I was completely miserable. I was thousands of miles away from my family and friends and I felt money to leave and a husband with an increasingly volatile temperament. He never hit me, luckily, but he did break a lot of our furniture, dishes, doors...he was pretty cruel and short tempered with my cats too which I hated him for! (How can you be mean to a soft, cuddly creature that just wants to sit in your lap and love you?!)
But then I met Justin! (Handsome_Jack) by chance on Facebook while admiring some photos he took of a friend. And he has been the best thing to ever happen to me!

So please, add to my mush! Tell me about the people in your lives that make you happy and give you those warm and fuzzy feelings!

xoxo, Selene
great set!!!!!
