Ok, back to ranting. I am so tired of people coming in to where I work and bitching about how expensive everything is only to turn around and bitch about how we don't sell any "American" products. I actually heard something close to "well I'd probably faint if I saw anything in here made in the US" so I asked him "well, sir, would you be willing to pay an extra $10 for that?" "No! It costs too much as it is" "well, sir, that is why nothing is made in America anymore. It costs a lot more to pay someone in America minimum wage to make something than it does to have someone in China do the same thing and until we're all willing to stop being so cheap more things will keep getting outsourced". Old Guy-> "They need to make things over here so we can have jobs". "You're right, but we have all these pesky labor laws..." I got a funny look and that was the end of our conversation. Don't bitch about the way things are when you're not willing to maybe put yourself out a bit and be part of the solution!
And then there is the asshole who tells me he's been on unemployment for over 2 years and he "doesn't really remember" to look for a job. He tells me no one is hiring for the job he wants and I tell him that there are plenty of jobs that require no skills at all (like my job) so he should have no problems, to which I hear "nah, I don't want to do anything like that". Yep, this jerk sits at home watching TV and gets paid more than I do...and I am busting my ass about 40 hours a week. Stupid jerks and their sense of entitlement! What ever happened to the days where being out of work would've been something to be embarrassed about?? Now it's like a game to see how long you can sit around and let everyone else support you...and damn, I wanted to punch that guy in the face!
And then there is the asshole who tells me he's been on unemployment for over 2 years and he "doesn't really remember" to look for a job. He tells me no one is hiring for the job he wants and I tell him that there are plenty of jobs that require no skills at all (like my job) so he should have no problems, to which I hear "nah, I don't want to do anything like that". Yep, this jerk sits at home watching TV and gets paid more than I do...and I am busting my ass about 40 hours a week. Stupid jerks and their sense of entitlement! What ever happened to the days where being out of work would've been something to be embarrassed about?? Now it's like a game to see how long you can sit around and let everyone else support you...and damn, I wanted to punch that guy in the face!

I love discussing globalization with hot chicks!
It does seem that most people prefer to bitch, than to actually do...