Days off are the best! I've been keeping so busy lately, it's nice to not have anything to do for (most of) the day.
So, some updates...
Met up with Lorelei on Monday and she is awesome! Such a sweetheart, so if you haven't said "hi" yet, you should.
So we were thinking that my parents house would be perfect because it has good lighting and is pretty empty during the day with everyone at work...except the morning we want to use it.
Turns out my dad decided he needed to stay home and organize his tax stuff without telling anyone, so when get there and he's got his papers everywhere...and he's not moving for anything. So I said fine, we'll just go out on the property somewhere and tell him to yell if he's coming outside so he doesn't walk into anything he doesn't want to see, and ok, that works. So the pictures look amazing, but you'll have to forgive me if I look a little stiff at times because it was in the mid-40s all morning and I was FREEZING!
Tonight, dinner with my younger cousin that I haven't seen in at least 5 years...should be interesting...hoping he's not as wretched as his older sister!
And then, this weekend, apartment hunting and overall fun with Handsome_Jack up in Portland! I cannot wait to move up there! And, BTW, it is also his birthday this weekend so make sure to tease him if you stop by his page!
Thanks for watching

So, some updates...
Met up with Lorelei on Monday and she is awesome! Such a sweetheart, so if you haven't said "hi" yet, you should.

Tonight, dinner with my younger cousin that I haven't seen in at least 5 years...should be interesting...hoping he's not as wretched as his older sister!

And then, this weekend, apartment hunting and overall fun with Handsome_Jack up in Portland! I cannot wait to move up there! And, BTW, it is also his birthday this weekend so make sure to tease him if you stop by his page!

Thanks for watching

Could you imagine how one of those would tear up your house and eat all your other pets???
I saw them 3 times live and.. believe me, the tension live is....... mmmmmh!