Summer is here, that means: the smell of cut grass, hands on more skin, travels and road trips to typical English holiday hot-spots, Ill start of in Cumbria eating ice-cream from quaint tea shops and tear up the roads listening to black metal and screamo down to Cornwall and then to Brighton and stop of at road side eat ins and garages and buy all the cool shit like half price sunglasses and t-shirts emblazoned with I love Cheshire and pick and mix. Im going to petting zoos with Billy-goats and will buy bags of seeds. I want to take stills of cathedrals, churches and monasteries burnt down, bombed out and in ruins the ones you find in southern Spain on random roadsides, theres grass floor in those now, not rock and fig trees grow inside them, branches bent low enough to pick. So, late as it I will get dressed and phone my driving instructor and print of these how to take great photos instructions and kick off the summer x
Did you mention hay-fever?
Nah luckily i don't have hay-fever. My girl does though. Sniffles galore