For those that don't know, my birthday was yesterday, the 21st. And it was great. I stole my Tumblr blog post for this blog entry, because I really didn't want to retype everything. Oh laziness!
Yesterday was fucking awesome. I was with my sister for the first half of the day. I got my paycheck, then went and got my learners permit, then visited my mom at work. From there, she and I went to get lunch at Panera Bread, which was fucking awesome as always.
Then, I met up with a friend of mine, Caitlyn, who I went to high school with. It was so great seeing her again. We went to Tropical Smoothie and she treated me to a fantastic smoothie. Then we went to Starbucks, because I thought I was going to get a free drink because it was my birthday, but it turns out you had to have a postcard they send in the mail. From there, I met up with my friend Jalen, and we went to Rocksteady, where I got my latest tattoo, the Gastly on my arm. Im soooooo fucking happy with it. Keith did such a great job on it. I enjoyed talking to him about metal and hardcore music. And oh boy, did it hurt.
Afterwards, Jalen and I headed over to Joshs place, where the rest of our crew was, and we got in on some Halo and other video games. It was nice to just chill, considering I had been out and about all day. Then, to top everything off, we ended the night with Dennys. Now, I was a Dennys baby. The only reason I exist is because my mom met my father when they were both working at Dennys. My entire period inside of her womb, save for about 4 weeks, was spent in Dennys, so I felt it was only right that I went, as we usually do. I got a free Grand Slam for my birthday, and treated myself to a nice slice of cake. By the end of the meal, I was worn out, so I headed home and went straight to bed.
Today was pretty fucking great as well. I worked a short shift, and then headed out to Lazy Dayz, a local hookah bar, with the boys. Its always nice going there. The dudes that work there are awesome, and there are usually some colorful characters there. I treated the guys to a nice mix, because I was just feeling good about the night. There was one thing that scared me. This one girl, Amber was her name, I think, fell out like right next to me, due to smoking hookah and getting a little dehydrated. I thought she was messing with me at first, because I was standing next to her at the counter, and then she leaned into me before falling. I was shocked, man. I really didnt know what happened at first. But she was alright after a little sit down, some help from the staff (who are used to this sort of this) and some water.
The only thing I really regret (and I use that term for lack of a better word, because I usually dont regret much) was not talking to this very attractive girl I saw there. Missed chances suck, but my mind just wasnt right. The flirting tactics of certain folks that I wont speak of rung in my mind and I actually felt creepy which is weird, because Im usually good with strangers. I just couldnt bring myself to come up and introduce myself. She was fucking gorgeous though, man. Hopefully this stays as a one time thing. Maybe Ill see her there again.
I dont know, man. I just feel so fucking great! Ive finally broken the wall down into getting my permit. Soon Ill be driving and whatnot, and everything will start falling into place. Im surrounded constantly with good people, who I enjoy being around and spending time with. Fuck, this is the life, man.
But, Im a tired lumberjack, so I think its off to sleep for me. Ive got work allll day tomorrow, so I better get some rest. Hopefully I eat a decent meal before I go in.
I hope everyone has had a great couple of days, just like me. And I hope everyone has a good night!
Thanks for reading!
OH! And here's my new tattoo (pre-healing, because I was just fucking excited! It's so GOOD.)

Yesterday was fucking awesome. I was with my sister for the first half of the day. I got my paycheck, then went and got my learners permit, then visited my mom at work. From there, she and I went to get lunch at Panera Bread, which was fucking awesome as always.
Then, I met up with a friend of mine, Caitlyn, who I went to high school with. It was so great seeing her again. We went to Tropical Smoothie and she treated me to a fantastic smoothie. Then we went to Starbucks, because I thought I was going to get a free drink because it was my birthday, but it turns out you had to have a postcard they send in the mail. From there, I met up with my friend Jalen, and we went to Rocksteady, where I got my latest tattoo, the Gastly on my arm. Im soooooo fucking happy with it. Keith did such a great job on it. I enjoyed talking to him about metal and hardcore music. And oh boy, did it hurt.
Afterwards, Jalen and I headed over to Joshs place, where the rest of our crew was, and we got in on some Halo and other video games. It was nice to just chill, considering I had been out and about all day. Then, to top everything off, we ended the night with Dennys. Now, I was a Dennys baby. The only reason I exist is because my mom met my father when they were both working at Dennys. My entire period inside of her womb, save for about 4 weeks, was spent in Dennys, so I felt it was only right that I went, as we usually do. I got a free Grand Slam for my birthday, and treated myself to a nice slice of cake. By the end of the meal, I was worn out, so I headed home and went straight to bed.
Today was pretty fucking great as well. I worked a short shift, and then headed out to Lazy Dayz, a local hookah bar, with the boys. Its always nice going there. The dudes that work there are awesome, and there are usually some colorful characters there. I treated the guys to a nice mix, because I was just feeling good about the night. There was one thing that scared me. This one girl, Amber was her name, I think, fell out like right next to me, due to smoking hookah and getting a little dehydrated. I thought she was messing with me at first, because I was standing next to her at the counter, and then she leaned into me before falling. I was shocked, man. I really didnt know what happened at first. But she was alright after a little sit down, some help from the staff (who are used to this sort of this) and some water.
The only thing I really regret (and I use that term for lack of a better word, because I usually dont regret much) was not talking to this very attractive girl I saw there. Missed chances suck, but my mind just wasnt right. The flirting tactics of certain folks that I wont speak of rung in my mind and I actually felt creepy which is weird, because Im usually good with strangers. I just couldnt bring myself to come up and introduce myself. She was fucking gorgeous though, man. Hopefully this stays as a one time thing. Maybe Ill see her there again.
I dont know, man. I just feel so fucking great! Ive finally broken the wall down into getting my permit. Soon Ill be driving and whatnot, and everything will start falling into place. Im surrounded constantly with good people, who I enjoy being around and spending time with. Fuck, this is the life, man.
But, Im a tired lumberjack, so I think its off to sleep for me. Ive got work allll day tomorrow, so I better get some rest. Hopefully I eat a decent meal before I go in.
I hope everyone has had a great couple of days, just like me. And I hope everyone has a good night!
Thanks for reading!

OH! And here's my new tattoo (pre-healing, because I was just fucking excited! It's so GOOD.)

Really like the tattoo as well