Well, after almost a week straight of working in my new position as Night Merchandiser, I finally get a break from work. A three day break to be exact. I'm so ready for these days off. I am exhausted. Don't get me wrong though, I love my job! The pay is great, and I've gotten the hang of things pretty quickly. Now, I think I'll post a little bit here before I head off to slumberland for a bit.
By the way, Night Merchandiser is just a fancy way of saying I stock shelves. I'm in charge of stocking our grocery cooler, which contains the dairy products, lunch meats, etc. It's actually a harder job than you'd expect. There's a lot of lifting, carrying, organizing, and mental work that goes into making sure the cooler is set up correctly. I actually enjoy the amount of physical work that goes into it. It's like having an 8-hour workout, then getting paid for it. Something that's kind of funny to me is that I've had to start packing a lunch for my lunch breaks, which makes me feel 10 years old again. My mom does help me with it sometimes, which really adds to making me feel like a child, but oh well, she usually makes me really good stuff. I'm surprised she hasn't started leaving me little notes.
My schedule is pretty set at four days a week (Friday-Monday from 10PM-6AM.) To be honest, I love this job a lot more than cashiering. I virtually don't have to deal with people at all, save for my manager, and the few other people that I work with. All of the night crew people are incredibly nice, too! My manager and coworkers are all really surprised at how well I work. My manager, Tom, says that with my work ethic, at my age, the sky's the limit as far as moving up in the company and whatnot. He's only just turned 23, and he told me earlier this today that he started out the same way I did.
I'm not really sure how far I want to go with making this an actual career, though. There's still a big part of me that wants to have music be a part of my life. I'd still love to become a session musician, and/or be a part of a touring band. I'm fairly confident in myself and my ability that I could do well as a recording/touring artist; it just depends on where I go, I suppose.
I begin work on my cover compilation with my good friend Wes on Wednesday, and I'm excited! So far, the working title for it is Influences & Inspirations, but I'm sure that might change soon enough. We'll hopefully start the drums and percussion, and maybe some bass work as well. I'm still a little in the phase of making the arrangements of the songs and figuring what instruments I'll need/use. I don't want them to be exact, by the book covers, so things may be a little changed, but not too much.
On another note, I'd just like to say another thank you to all of the friends I've begun to make on SG. Already I feel like I'm a part of a great community, and I doubt I'll be leaving for a long while. I enjoy talking to people, reading blogs and group posts, and obviously enjoying all of the beautiful and unique women this site has to offer. I seriously love this site.
Oh, and I may be moving soon! My mother and I are most likely moving at the start of the new year to a house in Newport News, which is a city over from the city I currently live in, Hampton. It'll actually be a lot better for us, since the rent will be lower, and the commute to and from work will be a lot easier, especially as far as gas goes! I'm honestly excited to move, because I'll be closer to some of my best and closest friends. I'll most likely be discussing that more in my future blogs.
Now, time for some long awaited and well deserved rest and relaxation.
Thanks for reading!
PS, if you're reading this, and we haven't spoken yet, don't hesitate to send me a message or comment away! I love making new friends!
By the way, Night Merchandiser is just a fancy way of saying I stock shelves. I'm in charge of stocking our grocery cooler, which contains the dairy products, lunch meats, etc. It's actually a harder job than you'd expect. There's a lot of lifting, carrying, organizing, and mental work that goes into making sure the cooler is set up correctly. I actually enjoy the amount of physical work that goes into it. It's like having an 8-hour workout, then getting paid for it. Something that's kind of funny to me is that I've had to start packing a lunch for my lunch breaks, which makes me feel 10 years old again. My mom does help me with it sometimes, which really adds to making me feel like a child, but oh well, she usually makes me really good stuff. I'm surprised she hasn't started leaving me little notes.
My schedule is pretty set at four days a week (Friday-Monday from 10PM-6AM.) To be honest, I love this job a lot more than cashiering. I virtually don't have to deal with people at all, save for my manager, and the few other people that I work with. All of the night crew people are incredibly nice, too! My manager and coworkers are all really surprised at how well I work. My manager, Tom, says that with my work ethic, at my age, the sky's the limit as far as moving up in the company and whatnot. He's only just turned 23, and he told me earlier this today that he started out the same way I did.
I'm not really sure how far I want to go with making this an actual career, though. There's still a big part of me that wants to have music be a part of my life. I'd still love to become a session musician, and/or be a part of a touring band. I'm fairly confident in myself and my ability that I could do well as a recording/touring artist; it just depends on where I go, I suppose.
I begin work on my cover compilation with my good friend Wes on Wednesday, and I'm excited! So far, the working title for it is Influences & Inspirations, but I'm sure that might change soon enough. We'll hopefully start the drums and percussion, and maybe some bass work as well. I'm still a little in the phase of making the arrangements of the songs and figuring what instruments I'll need/use. I don't want them to be exact, by the book covers, so things may be a little changed, but not too much.
On another note, I'd just like to say another thank you to all of the friends I've begun to make on SG. Already I feel like I'm a part of a great community, and I doubt I'll be leaving for a long while. I enjoy talking to people, reading blogs and group posts, and obviously enjoying all of the beautiful and unique women this site has to offer. I seriously love this site.
Oh, and I may be moving soon! My mother and I are most likely moving at the start of the new year to a house in Newport News, which is a city over from the city I currently live in, Hampton. It'll actually be a lot better for us, since the rent will be lower, and the commute to and from work will be a lot easier, especially as far as gas goes! I'm honestly excited to move, because I'll be closer to some of my best and closest friends. I'll most likely be discussing that more in my future blogs.
Now, time for some long awaited and well deserved rest and relaxation.
Thanks for reading!

PS, if you're reading this, and we haven't spoken yet, don't hesitate to send me a message or comment away! I love making new friends!
Good luck with the music you have sooooo much time to do that if you love why the hell not.
I'm glad things are getting better for you. It's tough out there. I've found that positive affirmations work well.
Good to see you on board man! Enjoy!