ideally this should be a place where I talk about stuff I dont want to put in my lj. but Im so repressed about the stuff I should talk about that its gonna take some time to work it until then Im just gonna ramble here a bit.
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Tuesday May 17, 2005
ideally this should be a place where I talk about stuff I dont want t… -
Monday May 02, 2005
well, Im back...Im just looking around, and I dont know if anyone I k… -
Friday May 14, 2004
well, I am too going grey. I came into this community on a whim, and… -
Sunday May 09, 2004
a long weekend of apartment hunting with my girl. all is good. burr… -
Thursday May 06, 2004
well Im calling off saturday to go look at apartments with the girl. … -
Wednesday May 05, 2004
grrr I need money so bad. -
Tuesday May 04, 2004
ugh. back on nights. Im all out of sorts. -
Wednesday Apr 28, 2004
so I'm totally addicted to this: Kingdom of Loathing Im a level 5… -
Tuesday Apr 27, 2004
back to the grind. look like im gonna be on nights for a couple week… -
Monday Apr 26, 2004
So my cousing doug is in Baghdad. He signed up for the army after hig…
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