ugh still tired. I had dinner with my mom tonight, it was nice to catch up on family gossip. I also kinda maybe pissed of my friend liz, the one who introduced me and my girlfriend. She has a crush on one of my oldest friends, and she told me in confidence. I of course, being a guy and a friend, told him that. She layed herself on the line this week and (im not exactly sure how it came up) he blatantly told her that I had said something to him. First off, the whole crush thing is silly because of her situation, and second, he had no reason to tell her other than to piss her off. grr. He tends to have issues with understanding how to be a friend. The bad part is that she is taking it out on my girlfriend, and being an hour away, I cant really interact with the situation. frustrating.
ah that sucks. hope everything will get resolved and everyone can sit down and play some Halo. your friend should have really kept his mouth shut. but hey, people do what they wanna do.

Niiiiiice! I didn't know they were finally starting filming so soon! I'll have to have a party on April 19th or something! Or, you know, get drunk alone in my room to celebrate.