Well, its been a nice couple of days since I last posted. Shawna came up on Tuesday night and ended up staying until this afternoon. She was amazing, last night while I was at work, she cleaned my kitchen and made me dinner. It was totally unexpected and very nice. Work has been crazy, due mostly due to fucking Motorola, who gave us the wrong upgrade software for our digital cable customers, basically screwing up service for 30,000 of our customers. the cable reps were so swamped with calls that they drafted us into helping them even tho we are only supposed to deal with net stuff. It was rough telling our 80 year old customers that they had to figure a way to hold two buttons down on the front of their digital box while plugging the power cord on the back in. On the upside, the bosses had dinner catered in for us. free soda is dangerous. I drank a six-pack of mountain dew on my shift just to keep up with the tempo of work BUZZ!!
Other than that, I haven't been walking to work, mostly due to the foot and a half of snow on most of the sidewalks bb my house. hopefully tomorrow that will clear up and Ill be good to go.
Other than that, I haven't been walking to work, mostly due to the foot and a half of snow on most of the sidewalks bb my house. hopefully tomorrow that will clear up and Ill be good to go.
so thats what those little messages on my screen are about motorola and cable operators. i see now.
take it easy.